The Double-Edged Sword of Nostalgia

First off, I would like to say that Baldur's Gate I and II are my favorite games of all time.
With that being said, I have had some mounting depression over the years with regards to replaying these, and other classic games from my youth. What I mean is that back in the early 2000's, I replayed these games several times to completion. In subsequent years I have started the games a number of times, each time getting less and less into the game before I just stop playing from boredom. I guess the bottom line is I have a continuing URGE to play these games over and over to obtain that nostalgic feeling of pleasure that I got when I initially played them, but when I actually start the game up, it doesn't deliver like it did back in 1998.
I am not sure if this is because the game content becomes stale after a while because I know where everything is and what to expect, or if I as a person am changing in a way that prevents me from obtaining the same amount of enjoyment from these and other games as I used to when I am younger.
I used to sit in class thinking about that new armor that I found the night before and how I am going to use it when I got home from school and could play again, or how that new spell I got will help me through the next battle. When I play now, I find that I don't have this kind of connection with the game that I used to.
Does anyone else experience this with these or other games that you used to play? Do people ever "outgrow" video gaming in general? Is there an ideal "age group" that is able to take full advantage of the actual gaming experience that others (older) are not able to?
Will the enhanced edition rekindle the awesomeness that I experienced back in 1998, when I was 15 years old? I don't know (sigh), but I for sure will find out (hands money to Beamdog)
With that being said, I have had some mounting depression over the years with regards to replaying these, and other classic games from my youth. What I mean is that back in the early 2000's, I replayed these games several times to completion. In subsequent years I have started the games a number of times, each time getting less and less into the game before I just stop playing from boredom. I guess the bottom line is I have a continuing URGE to play these games over and over to obtain that nostalgic feeling of pleasure that I got when I initially played them, but when I actually start the game up, it doesn't deliver like it did back in 1998.
I am not sure if this is because the game content becomes stale after a while because I know where everything is and what to expect, or if I as a person am changing in a way that prevents me from obtaining the same amount of enjoyment from these and other games as I used to when I am younger.
I used to sit in class thinking about that new armor that I found the night before and how I am going to use it when I got home from school and could play again, or how that new spell I got will help me through the next battle. When I play now, I find that I don't have this kind of connection with the game that I used to.
Does anyone else experience this with these or other games that you used to play? Do people ever "outgrow" video gaming in general? Is there an ideal "age group" that is able to take full advantage of the actual gaming experience that others (older) are not able to?
Will the enhanced edition rekindle the awesomeness that I experienced back in 1998, when I was 15 years old? I don't know (sigh), but I for sure will find out (hands money to Beamdog)

All I can say is that I hope your love for BG returns with the release of EE, and the additional content will ensure that you stay till completion this time
I think BG: EE will probably be the same for you really. You might get some joy out of the additional content, but it's still the same game in the same world with the same graphics and (mostly) the same mechanics and people. The only thing I can really recommend is each time you pick up a game again resume from where you left off, don't start a new game over and over. You'll end up replaying the same first hour a dozen times and be bored silly because you're repeating that one hour, not because you're bored of the game.
any only completed it once
This was aprox summers of 2008/9 after being continually recommended it by a friend of mine who had played it on its release
My conclusion was that is was one of the best and most immersive games I have ever played and certainly the best RPG I have ever played.
This is why I am looking forward to BG:EE so much as
1. I havent actually played BG1 yet loved BG2
2. I only played it 3/4 years ago for the first and only time so it is not nostalgia that is holding my interest
For me I think it says alot about a game that it can be still be so good long after its release.
Having never played BG1 I may dislike it, but judging on my experience with BG2 and generally opinion I get about BG1 I really cannot wait to try it.
Yeah, I hear you: sometimes it hurts, like you're on a strict diet, but when you play them again you feel like you're a little surprised when you don't remember that particular detail or name here and there. It's somewhat like (re)playing a new game. Not 'new' like the first time, but still...
i wish i never played bg.
so i could play it again for the first time ; )
I often find when going back to really old 3-D games, that the graphics don't quite have the immersion and luster they had back when they were cutting edge, and that can really take me out of the experience. I have never once experienced that playing an infinity engine game.
My advice to the original poster is I think time will fix the overplayed factor. If you get the EE, and find the boredom sets in, leave it a few years and come back to it. Once you have moved on a bit, and it's less second nature you'll find some of that old magic returning!