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BG:EE, Reforming party

Twilight_FoxTwilight_Fox Member Posts: 448
I'm not sure if it's was a bug or if it's was working as intended (So they Double it and then ask if we are thankful!.. ok forget it, this part is a joke. ^^) But.. its happen really often in my last games to lost permanently an NPC follower. If I leave per example Khalid and Jaheira somewhere on the map like the Friendly Arm Inn or Beregost or Baldur’s gate they will just vanish from the game and I will not be able to take them back to my group. That the same thing for nearly all the NPCs follower and nearly all the location on the map. Or like in BG2 they get mad at you and their dialogues become not so friendly and no chance to romance them. I found this sad/unfortunate to not be able to per example leave Imoen somewhere for some hours of game play (days or months in the game) and help someone else in is personal quest and then take her back. Most of the time, when I leave someone, he’s gone for good.

Is that intended? Will it be different in the BG:EE? I love to play all the content in BG1 and BG2, but this ‘little thing’ create a monstrous mess in many of my last games. I know that we have a Bug section/Fixes Section/Request Section, but I feel that this is more than that.


  • g314g314 Member Posts: 201
    If I can recall correctly, you just need to save and reload the game from your position. When I saved Dynaheir and ditched Edwin, he left the party and disappeared, but when I reloaded I found him again.

    I agree, it's kind of annoying though.
  • ThelsThels Member Posts: 1,424
    Then again, you have six slots. If you're really trying to romance a specific character, do you really kick that character out of the party?
  • kraedkraed Member Posts: 60
    "Hey darling, I love you and all but can you just get out of my way for a few months? I want to go and hang out with another bunch of people that are more important to me than you right now. I'll come back for you in an unknown amount of time thoug, maybe even years, and I expect us to carry on exactly where we left off. You better be standing in this very spot the entire time waiting for me"
  • Syntia13Syntia13 Member Posts: 514
    There's another unconvenient thing that can happen to you in BG - imagine that your love got petrified in a fight with some random basilisk. She gets removed from party and changed to neutral. So you cry big fat tears, run around like a headless chicken looking for a scroll of 'stone to flesh', run back to her, read the scroll... and for all your troubles you get slapped and yelled at for kicking her out of the party. :P As if it was your fault she had crappy saving throws! ;D
  • Twilight_FoxTwilight_Fox Member Posts: 448
    ''Hey Darling, I'm enough smart to see that Bondi is sneaking at us, stay safe at the inn, I will wait for her and she will not be able to manipulate me by threatening you, love you, stay safe baby.''

    ''Minsc, I want you and your furious anger to protect my girl, Aerie, make sure to keep an eye on him, should I die there.. know that you save the only good part of me in this inn tonight.''

    ''Korgan, Edwin, Yoshimo.. you all want to me rich and famous? come with me, we have a vampire lord to kill! For booze and wench!! Rrrrraahhhhhhh!

    There are always 2 sides on each story, the world is not only in black and white, there are grey all around us. If this game is about RolePlaying, this thing is a gamebreaking.
  • Twilight_FoxTwilight_Fox Member Posts: 448
    Good point Syntia13.

    It’s can be great to have the point of view of the Overhaul’s team about this ‘mechanism’ of form/reform party. About the NPC followers that are Leaving/not leaving for good. Most of the time I leave them in the friendly Arm Inn or in the Temple Of Wisdom or somewhere else nice and warm. It’s can be nice to have a ‘Safe place’ where you can leave your ex-teammate and know that when you will return, they will be there an eager to join you again. I can easily find thousands of reasons to leave/discharge someone for days/weeks/months and this person is still your best friend or your lover.
  • kraedkraed Member Posts: 60
    That's certainly true, but you said in your OP you were dumping them to help out other people, not for their own safety. There's roleplaying and then there's retconning roleplaying after the events to justify being gamey. Why do you only travel around in groups of 6? If you love her and want to party with her why don't you just take the 7th member temporarily whilst you're helping them out? You're dumping 'em in the inn due to the game mechanics for a mechanical gain due to doing additional npc quests really. Ever leave them behind and travel as a 5? a 4? Why not? If you wanted to protect them you'd be okay only taking half your party along too.

    Why do you leave Imoen trapped in Spellhold for several years at a time whilst you deal with petty disputes and quests for petty trinkets that your companions want. What about after leaving Spellhold why do you wait for months or years before taking down Irenicus? You can argue that the game waits for you to do all these things but then there goes your roleplay. If you were truly roleplaying you would understand that you simply don't have the time to do all these sidequests whilst the big bad is off destroying the world or torturing your sis.
  • Twilight_FoxTwilight_Fox Member Posts: 448
    Good point also kraed.
    That why I will not further defend my position, I just want to be fixed about 'how it will be' in the BG:EE regarding this mechanism.
  • ElectricMonkElectricMonk Member Posts: 599

    ''Hey Darling, I'm enough smart to see that Bondi is sneaking at us, stay safe at the inn, I will wait for her and she will not be able to manipulate me by threatening you, love you, stay safe baby.''

    ''Minsc, I want you and your furious anger to protect my girl, Aerie, make sure to keep an eye on him, should I die there.. know that you save the only good part of me in this inn tonight.''

    ''Korgan, Edwin, Yoshimo.. you all want to me rich and famous? come with me, we have a vampire lord to kill! For booze and wench!! Rrrrraahhhhhhh!

    There are always 2 sides on each story, the world is not only in black and white, there are grey all around us. If this game is about RolePlaying, this thing is a gamebreaking.

    Smart enough to see that Bohdi is sneaking at us = played the game before so I'm going to try to kick you out while I go defeat Bohdi so she cant turn you into a vampire... Not really a roleplay issue here, since you're just trying to powergame based on having played before.

    As for your point, though, I do prefer the ability to ask some of them to wait at an inn or something along those lines. There's a mod that I use that allows you to tell your companions to wait for you at an inn when you kick them out. I still think it would be best that this would break romances though, since I doubt that many romantic partners would take kindly to waiting around for you for several months.
  • kraedkraed Member Posts: 60
    I hate to refer to DATING SIMS but they kind of express a good way of developing a romance, even if extremely improbable and kinda creepy. It's not that hard to develop a romance with a character that is programmed to fall in love with you if you do the right stuff, but if you ignore them and do other stuff those feelings over time will fade and you'll fall out of favour. To maintain their affection until the end you should have to keep them interested in you and not abandon them.

    As it is at the moment in every single Bioware RPG once you reach that 'romance' stage with a character that's it. You will always and forever be romantically involved with that character. That's not romance at all, romance doesn't work like that. It shouldn't be a flag that is just set permenantly, it should be something that degrades over time but increases as you spend time together as well.

    It's something to think about for BG3 more than the rereleases though as it would be a complete overhaul of the script which, of course, isn't allowed.
  • Twilight_FoxTwilight_Fox Member Posts: 448
    We all have our opinions regarding this mechanism; for some it help for the immersion, for others it break the immersion. But still, I'm more interesting in the fact that in the opinions.

    Question for the Overhaul's team/or someone who know the answer of course: I would like to know if you/they 'retouch' this mechanism in BG:EE to allow a 'different' approach of the form/reform party and the availability of the NPC follower after a dismiss.
  • Twilight_FoxTwilight_Fox Member Posts: 448
    Up, it's seem a legit question.

    ''Question for the Overhaul's team/or someone who know the answer of course: I would like to know if you/they 'retouch' this mechanism in BG:EE to allow a 'different' approach of the form/reform party and the availability of the NPC follower after a dismiss.''
  • Twilight_FoxTwilight_Fox Member Posts: 448
    Hm, I will have to wait to Day1 to test that it's seem.
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