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Durlags Tower diffuclty increased?

Imoen has 85 find traps and still this not enough and in fact its game breaking I cant proceed to level 3 becuase I cant disarm the final traps on the statue which fires off an unlimited number of fireballs until your dead.

I dont remember traps beeing this tough


  • wpmaurawpmaura Member Posts: 30
    ok not game breaking but good god make sure you have potions of perception anyone actually now the skill level needed to disarm?
  • XanarXanar Member Posts: 96
    Hmm, I forget who posted originally, but someone dug through the game files and determined that 90 in locks will open anything in BGEE (though it may take multiple attempts) and 100 in traps is necessary for the hardest. The only trap I couldn't disable in Durlag's was the one in in the chapel (Upper Level 3 AR0504) that holds the tome of wisdom. It's probably a bug.
  • HeindrichHeindrich Member, Moderator Posts: 2,959
    Yeah 85 is not enough. I think there's a select few traps that cannot be disarmed (by design), but they can be detected and you can avoid them.
  • SionIVSionIV Member Posts: 2,689
    Scrolls, potions, ring of fire resistance (Are two of them) and the helm of defense adds 20% more so just from the rings and the helm you got 100% alone. Add in protection from fire and potions...

    It's annoying but in no way game breaking.
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,008
    edited September 2013
    @Xanar is right, you need 90 in open locks to open every lock in the dungeon ( or use the knock spell, plus there is one chest that might not open first try with 90 but it will eventually if you do it enough times) and 100 in find traps to disarm every trap in the dungeon, even in vanilla it was the same scenario
  • WilburWilbur Member Posts: 1,173
    Just carry a couple of potions of power with you and that should do the trick. It gives you a 20% bonus to find/remove traps (I think the 20% counts as 20 skill points).
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