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After having tumbled about with a variety of different ideas for my upcoming character, I have decided to concoct a Shadowdancer/Mage. Not necessarily the most original idea, but there are a few aspects of this idea that makes it a little tricky (at least for me). So I'm hoping for some creative input.
The biggest question is of course when to dual class from Shadowdancer to Mage. As I see it I should dual at level 9 or 10. 9th level grants me a backstabbing multiplier of x3, and 10th level grants me another use of Shadowstep. Do I need another use of Shadowstep?
Either way the character will stay a Shadowdancer until the very end of BG1 or the beginning of BG2, and after pressing the Dual Class-button he won't reboot his SD card before well into BG2. From a roleplaying perspective I think I should wait until BG2, arguing that Irenicus' pretentious show of magical prowess become kind of a catalyst for my character's sudden lust for arcane powers (or whatever).
Also, this combo will suffer a severe lack of proficiency points. Now, to maximize backstabbing I know that I should probably use a zweihander, but power gaming isn't really the most important part for me.
I think Single-Weapon Style looks really classy, so that's probably what I'm going for. I suppose the increased critical chance is a good argument as well. But I have absolutely no idea which weapon I should be using, so I keep skipping between the different options, re-pre-generating my character again and again.
When it comes to ranged weapons I think I will be using a crossbow (silently pretending it's a hand crossbow), to allow room for other (real) archers wielding short- and longbows.
After having tumbled about with a variety of different ideas for my upcoming character, I have decided to concoct a Shadowdancer/Mage. Not necessarily the most original idea, but there are a few aspects of this idea that makes it a little tricky (at least for me). So I'm hoping for some creative input.
The biggest question is of course when to dual class from Shadowdancer to Mage. As I see it I should dual at level 9 or 10. 9th level grants me a backstabbing multiplier of x3, and 10th level grants me another use of Shadowstep. Do I need another use of Shadowstep?
Either way the character will stay a Shadowdancer until the very end of BG1 or the beginning of BG2, and after pressing the Dual Class-button he won't reboot his SD card before well into BG2. From a roleplaying perspective I think I should wait until BG2, arguing that Irenicus' pretentious show of magical prowess become kind of a catalyst for my character's sudden lust for arcane powers (or whatever).
Also, this combo will suffer a severe lack of proficiency points. Now, to maximize backstabbing I know that I should probably use a zweihander, but power gaming isn't really the most important part for me.
I think Single-Weapon Style looks really classy, so that's probably what I'm going for. I suppose the increased critical chance is a good argument as well. But I have absolutely no idea which weapon I should be using, so I keep skipping between the different options, re-pre-generating my character again and again.
When it comes to ranged weapons I think I will be using a crossbow (silently pretending it's a hand crossbow), to allow room for other (real) archers wielding short- and longbows.
Post edited by Basillicum on
According to my calculations I will be able to get both stealth skills to 100 at level 9. This might be enough for BG1 - since I'll be using Shadow Armor and Worn Whispers - but after dual classing Shadow Armor won't be an option anymore. I think I've heard somewhere that daylight incurs penalty to stealth? If so, how much? I'm assuming daylight only affects Hiding in Shadows, so are there anything that affects Moving Silently?
I suppose I could consider going beyond level 10 as Shadowdancer to boost Detect Illusion as well, but I'm thinking BG2 delivers enough dispel, true seeing and the like for Detect Illusion to be kind of obsolete.
@Xanar I just tested equipping Shar-Teel with a full plate, but that had no effect on her stealth skills as far as I could see. She wears Drizzt's Mithral Chain already, which doesn't penalise her in any way either. Unless these penalties don't show under the character record?
About armor penalities, if you're not using any mod, anything besides studded leather make impossible to hide in shadows as far as i know. Rogue rebalancing and other mods make a penality table to the use of heavier armors for thieves.
You can however take off the armor, hide in shadows, and put it again without problems. I believe the thief script to be bugged also, so even with heavy armor in place if you use the thief script to always hide in shadows, it will force the ranger to make the attempts even if the button is grayed.
Anyway, as far as I can see no armor (except the ones that have it listed on their description, like Hide Armor) incurs any penalty to stealth skills. This is actually kinda funny. When I first played Baldur's Gate as a youngster I insisted that Hiding in Shadows would be easier if I placed my thief in an area where the game had chosen to place shadows. As I grew up I decided that my younger self was naive and stupid for believing that such an old game would have been able to handle the complex idea of interpreting where and where not there were shadows. Obviously my younger self was in the right here, according to the thread you linked. I'm happy for him.
If broad daylight actually halves the stealth check that's kinda harsh, but I suppose it's justified.
@Nordom Actually, the thread says the opposite. Both are needed (a total of 400 points between the two) to successfully stealth 99% of the time in any conditions.
So, assuming you start with 18 dex, that's a +10% each to ms and his, 30 points at creation (50 in all at level 1), and 15 per level through level 10 before the xcap (15*9=135). IIRC the tome of dex will add another +5% to each when used (+10%). Shadow armor gives +15% and boots of stealth +20HiS and +15ms so, you get a grand total of 245 by the end of BGEE. My test with a halfling made me think this would be a terribly OP class in BG:EE and I stand by that conclusion, however; I don't see this as a viable option for thief dualed to mage runs. It's a huge amount of time and effort for what amounts to invisibility and a couple casts of shadowstep (3x backstab, no traps, and no typical thief uses like pick locks and detect traps). @Basillicum- It'd be interesting if you document your experiences and opinions as you play thorugh. I'd definitely read it.
Just started the game now. 18 dex and currently 45 MS and 20 HS. I think that from here on I'm going to boost MS all the way to 100 before adding to HIS at all, just for testing purposes. Logically Hide in Plain Sight should be a total waste if I don't boost HIS at all, but as that doesn't seem to be the case I want to test it for myself.
So far I've reached level 6 and am on my way to Cloakwood Mines. It's fun playing Shadowdancer, and the class really pays off in situations where I can empty an entire cave complex all on my own (of course, there are a few slip-ups whenever stealthing fails, but Boots of Speed will more or less remove that issue I think).
The most fun part till now was probably the Flesh Golem Cave by the lighthouse (Safana area), where my shadowdancer took care of all the golems and traps by himself. However, a potion of perception was necessary for the traps.
14 THAC0, -2 AC and 7-10 damage means he does just alright as a frontline fighter, but I usually hide in plain sight to backstab as often as possible (EDIT: On that note, stealth seems to fail much more often in combat, so I think hiding in plain sight comes with a penalty). Whenever an enemy party consisting of archers surprises me I shadowstep behind them to stop their ranged ambush.
I'm starting to consider dual classing at level 12 instead of 10. Reasons being extra thieving skills, +1 proficiencies and one more THAC0. Any input on that?
Another thing that's definitely worth noting is that I'm starting to seriously regret my proficiency choices so far. Currently I have 1 Dagger, 1 Crossbow, 1 Single-Weapon. Looking a BG2 I think I should put a proficiency point in Katana, for Dak'kon's Zerth Blade. Apart from that I've realised that the points I earn as a mage will be kinda wasted.
At level 1 Mage I'm going to put a point in Quarterstaff (obviously). At level 6 the next best choice would be Dagger, but I've already taken a point in Dagger as Shadowdancer and will return to that when finished dualling. I don't think Dart or Sling will be worth it.
2.) Crossbow is great but dart would have been a better pick for you.
3.) Dagger of Venom is just about the best weapon in BG1 and in BG2 you'll have some amazing throwing daggers.
4.) The one reason i don't use Dak'kon's Zerth blade in BG2 is that if you do conjure up a weapon (Flame sword, Melfs Meteors etc) You'll unequip the weapon for a short time, and then you have to memorize those additional spells again. Unless they fix this in BG2:EE it's annoying enough for me and i won't use it.
5.) Dart is such an amazing prof to take. One dart can either poison (wounding) or stun the enemy. If you hit a mage with a dart of stunning or wounding you have already won the fight.
6.) The highest damage you will be able to get from backstab is from Quarterstaffs.
Scimitar - There are some amazing scimitars in the game, and if you're going to dual wield then you want either Belm (Scimitar) or Kundane (Short sword) in your of hand. You'll most probably end up with something like this when you get to end game / ToB.
Short Swords - You can buy the short sword of mask +4 right from the moment you get out of Irenicus Dungeon. It might be a good reason to pick shortsword for that. Not that many +4 weapons just floating around in early SoA without you having to fight anyone to get it.
Oh look, I got you name right, ha ha!
@Xanar - Another argument for single weapon instead of sword and shield is the AC you get for single weapon, which makes bucklers (at least BG1 bucklers) redundant. Buckley's Buckler made an impression on other characters of mine though, but I decided to go without it this time. This character only has 15-16 constitution anyway (avoiding maxing all stats makes the game more fun, IMO, but he has 18 STR and 18 DEX), so it wouldn't have made much of a difference.
As I think I wrote earlier, I've never taken darts very seriously, but it seems like I should and I think I will after dualling to Mage.
I'll take a look at the available items and my current thieving skills when I've reached level 10, and then see if I feel I need a couple extra levels. If so I think it makes sense to put all the points in Find Traps, but I will still only have a grand total of 55 in that skill. How much is roughly needed for most of the traps in BG2 (as per vanilla, at least)? I seem to remember Imoen could take care of almost all of them, even though dual classed.
Another option that I've considered is Detect Illusion, though I've never used it before and am not entirely sure how it works or if it'd be worth it at all. Still, it would be nice for RP flavour considering I'm dual classing to Mage. :P
Detect illusion is an excellent and underused skill. It's the rogue's version of true sight and iirc the points are % chance to dispel per round. My x/thieves always get it to avoid backstabbers in BG2. I generally focus on DT, OL, and DI, forgoing points in any other skills (unless dual-classing into thief). Invisibility items and potions replace stealth abilities, but it's not practical for shadow dancer. Besides, magi have the spell and there are items/other kits (npcs) that grant uses-per-day of true sight.
You've still got a few levels to go and the dex tome will give you a 5% boost to all skills except DI. For now I'll wait for your next update ^^
On the Find Traps score, Imoen does pretty well, but she comes with an 85. There's the Ring of Danger Sense which provides +25%, but I think you'd still have to use potions for your Shadowdancer to be able to function as the main trapfinder.
The new Shadowdancer kit partly crashes the party for me, though, as I wanted the dual classed Mage to be at least a decent backstabber.
Currently my character is halfway broken. As of the last update to the kit he has lost x2 backstabability (until he reaches level 9, and he will never gain x3 backstabability) but without gaining the extra skill points he should've got. I'm waiting to see if there will be a fix at an imminent update and I've already moaned a little bit about it here. If no fix shows up I'll have to consider using EE Keeper, but I don't know how to make it a perfect fix.
If you're really broken up about the backstabbing, the progressions have been externalized, so modding it for yourself is as easy as exporting "backstab.2da" with Near Infinity and editing it with notepad.