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New Alteration spells

ZanathKariashiZanathKariashi Member Posts: 2,869
edited October 2013 in Feature Requests
Some new Alteration spells to help flesh out the school. (work progress, just getting some rough details laid out. Primarily working from the Core book, but supplements will be looked over eventually). Wow this listed end up bigger then I thought...and this is just Core book spells so far. (Looked through several supplements and this is pretty much done).

Level 1 -

Chromatic Orb - (Modified, ALOT)
(Changed to Alteration/Evocation)
(Nested Spell, additional choices gained as the caster's level grows)
Creates a single throwable orb of the chosen color that causes an effect on impact (Gains +1 hit per 3 levels, maximum of +5). Replaces Caster's current weapon until used. Lasts 4 rounds.
- White - lvl 1 - 1d4 - Target must save at -2 or be blinded for 1 round.
- Red - lvl 2 - 1d6 - Target's str, dex, hit, and ac are reduced by 1 for 1 round.
- Orange - lvl 3 - 1d8 - Target must save or be lit on fire, dealing 1d4 fire damage per round until a save is made.
- Yellow - lvl 4 - 1d10 - Target must save or be blinded for 1 round per level.
- Green - lvl 5 - 1d12 - A small stinking cloud spell is released at the impact site. 5 ft radius.
- Turquoise - lvl 6 - 2d8 - Target is magnetized. Attacks by metal weapons cannot miss.
- Blue - lvl 7 - 2d16 - Target must save or be paralyzed for 4 rounds. A successful save halves the duration.
- Violet - Lvl 8 - no damage - Target must save or be petrified. On successful save, they are slowed instead.
- Black - lvl 9 - no damage - Target must save or die. On successful save they are paralyzed for 1d4 rounds.

Light -

Blinds the target creature and causes them to glow brightly for 1 turn per level. Drow and other light sensitive creatures save at -4. Beholders get no save vs this spell and are stunned for 1 round round in addition to being blinded.

Level 2 -

Continual Light -

As per light spell, but is permanent until dispelled. If targeted in the radius of a Darkness spell, it ends the darkness spell immediately.

Darkness, 15ft -

Creates a 15ft wide area of darkness that renders anyone who enters it blind for as long as they remain within. Allows no save and ignores magic resistance, but the blindness fades instantly upon leaving the area of spell effect. Darkness lasts 1 turn, +1 round per level.

Irritation -

Causes the character to itch. Reduces armor class by 4, hit by 2, and 70% chance of spell failure for 4 rounds. Targets save at -3.

Pyrotechnics -

Throws a small fireball that explodes in a blind flash on impact (causes no damage). Creatures within the area of effect must save or be blinded for 1d4+1 rounds. The spell also causes a choking smoke cloud on impact that causes all enemies affect to save or be wracked by severe coughing for 1 turn, lowering AC and hit rolls by 2.

Shatter -

Can be used to inflict 1d6 typeless damage per level, to a maximum of 6d6 to creatures made of solid materials such as skeletons, earth elementals or most golem aside from flesh golem. Deals double damage if used against a Demi-lich. Save for half damge. This spell by-passes magic resistance and is unaffected by a Demi-lich's immunity to 8th level and lower spells. (Not making that up, Demi-liches are DEATHLY weak vs the Shatter spell, though it's listed in their description rather then the spell's).

Level 3 -

Blink -

Gives the caster a 30% chance of negating an attack when struck. If the ability activates the caster is teleported to a random point within 30ft of where they were prior. Lasts 1 round per level.

Delude -

The character is immune to spells/effects that deal damage based on alignment. Lasts 1 turn per level.

Gust of Wind -

Creates a cone of strong winds emanating from the caster, dispelling any gas effects it passes through, and human-sized or smaller creatures must save or be knocked down for 1 round.

Melf's Minute Meteors -
(Add Alteration school to the spell, if dual-school spells are implemented)

Far-reaching I -

Allows casting of a prepared spell up to 3rd level with double it's normal range. Touch or Caster spells are not available.

Dilation I -

Allows casting of a prepared aoe spell up to 3rd level with double it's normal radius. Non-aoe spells are not available.

Extension I -

Allows casting of a prepared spell up to 3rd level that lasts double it's normal duration. Instant or permanent spells are not available.

Level 4 -

Augmentation I -

Allows casting of a prepared Damage dealing spell up to 3rd level that deals double it's normal damage.

Dimension Door -

Teleports the caster to the desired point in visible range. Caster is stunned for 1 round following the teleport, no save and by-passes protections.

Fire/Ice Shield -
(Add Alteration school to the spells, if dual-school spells are implemented)

Otiluke's Resilent Sphere -
(Add Alteration school to the spell, if dual-school spells are implemented)

Rary's Mnemonic Enhancer -

Recovers up to 2 expended spells, up to 3rd level.

Level 5 -

Alacrity -

Spells up to 5th level have their cast time reduced by half, to a minimum of 1. Lasts 1 turn per level.

Animal Growth -

Doubles the hp and damage of target group of animals. Lasts 1 round per level. Does not affect druids in shapeshifted forms.

Shrink Animal -

Halves HP and damage of target group of animals if they fail to save. Lasts 1 round per level. Does not affect druids in shapshifted forms.

Extension II -

Allows a prepared 5th level spell be cast at it's normal double duration. Instant or permanent spells are not available.

Far-reaching II -

Allows casting of a prepared 4th or 5th level spell with double it's normal range. Touch or Caster spells are not available.

Dilation II -

Allows casting of a prepared 4th or 5th level aoe spell with double it's normal radius. Non-aoe spells are not available.

Teleport -

Allows the mage to instantly teleport his party to any above ground area that he has previously visited. Precise teleportation is impossible, and they will simply appear at the edge of the chosen area Some areas are warded against teleportation, and teleport cannot be used to enter or leave such areas.

Transmute rock to mud -

Turns an area of ground into a mud pit, targets attempting to move through the area are slowed by 50% with no save or magic resistance, and must save vs spells or become held due to sinking into a deeper pocket of mud. Large creatures such as giants or dragons, or flying/floating creatures are completely unaffected. Effect lasts 4 rounds, +1 per level.

Level 6 -

Augmentation II -

Allows casting of a prepared 4th or 5th level damage dealing spell that deals double it's normal damage.

Control Weather -

Functions as Call Lightening.

Death Fog -
(Add Alteration school to the spell, if dual-school spells are implemented)

Mordakanien's Lucubration -

Allows recovery 2 expended 4th or 5th spells.

Project Image -

(Down from 7th. Add Alteration school to the spell, if dual-school spells are implemented)

Creates an identical fake copy of the caster and allows casting of the caster's prepared spells through the Image. Any spells cast through the image are used up on the caster as well.

Level 7 -

Simbul's Synostodweomer -

Converts a prepared spell into 2 points of healing to a target per spell level. Additionally, using a spell of at least 4th level also cures poison, and a spell of at least 7th level cures poison and disease.

Extension III -

Allows casting of a prepared 6th or 7th level spell with double it's normal duration. Instant or permanent spells are not available.

Far-reaching III -

Allows casting of a prepared 6th or 7th level spell with double it's normal range. Touch or Caster spells are not available.

Dilation III -

Allows casting of a prepared 6th or 7th level aoe spell with double it's normal radius. Non-aoe spells are not available.

Duo-Dimensional -

Caster deals double damage with physical attacks, but takes double from all sources. Cannot be targeted by spells for the duration. Lasts 3 rounds, +1 per round.

Reverse Gravity -

Deals 1d6 blunt damage per caster level to all creatures within the area of effect when used outside. No save or magic resistance applies. Only deals a maximum of 3d6 damage if used in-doors. Creatures that can fly or float are unaffected.

Level 8 -

Augmentation III -

Allows casting of a prepared 6th or 7th level damage dealing spell that causes double it's normal damage.

Incendiary Cloud -
(Add Alteration school to the spell, if dual-school spells are implemented)

Permanency -

The allows casting of the following prepared spells can be cast with a permanent duration (can still be removed via dispel magic or other actions that would normally remove the effect).

Protection from Evil. Protection from Normal Missiles. Web. Stinking Cloud. Strength. Invisibility.

Every use of Permanency permanently reduces the caster's Con score by 1.

Polymorph Any Object -

As polymorph other but nothing other then Near-God status (Archfiends or Demon Princes) or above is immune to the effect. Saves are made at -4.

Temporal Freedom -
The next hostile time stop or temporal stasis spell cast in the caster's presence triggers temporal freedom, allowing the caster to move freely in time for up to 2 rounds during a time stop or blocking temporal stasis for the duration. Lasts 8 hours or until triggered.

Sink -

As per Imprisonment, except it has a 30ft range and allows a saving throw but not magic resistance. Exceptionally large creatures such as Dragons are immune.

AB's Horrid Wilting - (modified)
(School changed to Alteration/Necromancy)

Level 9 -

Crystalbrittle -

Target solid creature such as golem have all their damage resistances permanently set to -100%. Allows no save or magic resistance. Iron and Adamantite Golems have a 15% chance to resist the effect. Can also effect skeletal creatures. (A Demi-lich has a 30% chance to resist the effect).

Mordekanien's Disjunction -
As functions similar to dispel magic, except it has a base success chance of 100% and can dispel any protection but can only be cast as a targeted spell. Every magical item on the target has a 50% chance of being destroyed.

Temporal Stasis -

Target creature is frozen in place and rendered immune to all damage and spell effects permanently, except dispel magic. Allows no save, immunities, or magic resistance. Any creature innately immune to time stop is immune to this spell.
Post edited by ZanathKariashi on


  • JoeyJoey Member Posts: 201
    I don't think you can just scoop a load of PnP spells into BG like that. A lot of them would break the game completely, others are just unnessesary.
  • ZanathKariashiZanathKariashi Member Posts: 2,869
    edited October 2013
    Wish already breaks the game more then all 3 lists I've made, combined. As does, R/C, the Current PI, and current Mislead.

    And no...actually not a single one of these would break the game, since they're all PnP level of power, which is a joke compared to the OP BS that's already in BG.

    These new spell suggestions are simply to flesh out the schools and give other specialists some meat. (and once all possible spells have been added, use that as a spring board to have 100% accurate Specialists implemented. The current wussified opposed schools are mostly due to a lack of spell variety for some schools, especially Illusion which would be horribly disadvantaged by losing Evo, Abjuration, and Necromancy, without the Illusion school recieving a buff as well as assuring that the other schools have their options as well.

    Evocation and Abjuration are currently the best implemented schools (though I'll still give them a cursory once over to see if there any other spells to add), with Conjuration not far beyond. Divination technically is as well, but due to the way it's implemented, none of the spells are really worth casting or even needed.

    Alteration and Illusion both have a lot more available purpose then BG lets on, and even enchantment still has a lot of room to grow, still a bit lacking in higher level stuff, but a very versatile school at lower level.

    (the lack of a crafting system holds Alteration and Enchantment back a little bit though, since several of their spells are based around creating useful temporary items or making your own enchanted equipment).

    Post edited by ZanathKariashi on
  • ZanathKariashiZanathKariashi Member Posts: 2,869
    Added a couple more.
  • JoeyJoey Member Posts: 201
    So because one or two things already break the game, we don't need to give a crap about balance at all? You don't seem to have given much thought as to what players actually want or enjoy in a game.
  • ZanathKariashiZanathKariashi Member Posts: 2,869
    Try 70%+ of the game is broken and in dire need of rebalancing and tweaks.

    Every kit except the Beastmaster (near perfect) and Wild Mage (perfect) is broken in some way. Specialists are broken. Bards and druids in general are broken. SEVERAL spells or abilities are utterly broken, several core mechanics are broken. Most balancing factors for most classes have simply been removed entirely. There is NOTHING balanced about this game at current, and adding new spells, that I've ensured are at their PnP levels of power won't change that dynamic at all.

    And yes, people want these spells. They want options, because options add replayability. Options aid in roleplaying immersion. Options give Power-gamers the freedom to utterly destroy their game even more then they already do, and will do regardless of whether these are added or not. Options make the game better.

    And that is all these spells are. More options.

    And please, don't lecture me on balance, I'm easily the most Pro-Balance person on the board. Unfortunately, balance requires massive nerfing (and occasional buffing) to most of the game in some fashion or another, so it's fought tooth and nail. Though since BG claims to be based on 2nd Edition DnD, I expect it to be balanced according to those parameters, not some other edition or completely different system that has no relevance at all here.

    That's about all I can say on the matter without going into an overly confrontational rant.
  • bbearbbear Member Posts: 1,180
    I would like to see some spell additions for divination school before any other classes. In the game, divination lacks spells above level 6. The only good one I consistently use in the game is True Sight. I would like some creative additions of level 8-9 divination spells that can rival the marvel of Time Stop, Wish and Chain Contingency.
  • JoeyJoey Member Posts: 201
    Too many options is bad. We don't want the spellbooks crammed with spells, or it'll be offputting to gamers.

    I don't know why you insist everything is "broken". You sound like one of those guys who goes on 40k fan sites to slag off 40k and insist that no one can play it because it's so bad.
  • ZanathKariashiZanathKariashi Member Posts: 2,869
    I like 40k thanks much.

    Options are never bad. Especially when it comes to magic. The current problem with mage vs sorcerer is the lack of spells. A sorcerer can easily get spells to cover every situation, perfectly, while a Mage is stuck having to memorize, and due to the currently limited spell catalog can't use their versatility at all.

    The problem with divination is....there are no other spells...that's it...nothing else can possibly be implemented that would actually work in BG. I've been looking through them while making my lists, and aside from Foresight, which is usless due to how BG made crit immunity stupidly easy to acquire, regardless of class, and is pretty weak anyway.

    Divination is simply pointless in BG, because 95% of divination spells require a DM to give you the information you need for them to work. They even already retooled a couple of them to try and be useful and still no one uses them.
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