New GUI Scaling Option

Been playing around with the beta for a bit, particularly the new option to disable scaling of the user interface. I found after tinkering that (at least when playing at 1080p) the icons, portraits, and GUI are just way too small. However, I've always felt they were too big and blurry when scaled.
I changed my desktop's resolution to 1600 x 900 and turned off scaling and now the icon size / clarity seems perfect. Is there ever going to be an option to set the resolution of the GUI (or the amount it is scaled) in the graphics options? Is anyone else interested in this option? Obviously, I can just change my desktop resolution before playing, but it would be nice to not have to do that each time.
I changed my desktop's resolution to 1600 x 900 and turned off scaling and now the icon size / clarity seems perfect. Is there ever going to be an option to set the resolution of the GUI (or the amount it is scaled) in the graphics options? Is anyone else interested in this option? Obviously, I can just change my desktop resolution before playing, but it would be nice to not have to do that each time.
'Graphics', 'Width', '1600',
'Graphics', 'Height', '900',
I've been using this both in beta and non beta, and it works like a charm!
They should be there... In the upper part... Search for width and height, you should find them, and change them to desired number... Using the scaling option in the menu, you should really see a difference...
However, I do agree with you that it should be included in the menu, but being an old timer like I am (I mean, computer game generation wise!) I find text edit as easy as graphical edit...
P.S. The two links are for non beta version but you only need to look for info about height and width...
Like i said elsewhere, it'stoo bad we can't select the resolution we want or a specific UI size.
Also i agree that editing the .ini file shouldn't be the way to go. An option to change the resolution should be there. I don't really see why it's not. Hey, even BG2 vanilla had this choice (and a lot of other graphical options were available).
Here we only got 3 options in beta, including the hardware mouse option... What was supposed to be a renderer upgrade is, for now, actually inferior to vanilla if we're talking about the user options.