Flashburn's Big Book of Beta Bugs

Well its not a book really. But it might span the length of one by the time I finish the playthrough. I hope it doesn't though.
I'll be doing some more testing tomorrow. I've got a headache from sheer joy after watching the livestream of Mighty No.9 hitting $4 million on Kickstarter. That and being chosen for beta testing for BGEE makes this pretty much the best day I've ever had in a LONG time.
To start with, I'll quote myself from the Phase II thread which @Dee hasn't tagged in the Hit List.
I'll be doing some more testing tomorrow. I've got a headache from sheer joy after watching the livestream of Mighty No.9 hitting $4 million on Kickstarter. That and being chosen for beta testing for BGEE makes this pretty much the best day I've ever had in a LONG time.
To start with, I'll quote myself from the Phase II thread which @Dee hasn't tagged in the Hit List.
Flashburn said:Anyway, onto the problems I've encountered. This appears when I try to set the Marker Feedback past the maximum on the slider.
This one is when I try to slide the Locator Feedback past the maximum too.
Both of these occurred while not in-game, but rather in the BG1 and Black Pits main screens.
If I try to set these things past their maximum while in-game, I get this error after I click OK to the above error messages. It won't go away even if I click OK a million times, so I have to stop the Baldur.exe process and restart the game since it basically locks up.
I'm going to take a guess here and say that this is because the skill points box code was lifted from the thief version to the monk version. Theirs goes in order of Pick Pockets, Open Locks, Find Traps, Move Silently, Hide in Shadows, Detect Illusion, and Set Traps - just like the monk's version seems to be doing.
Clicking on the name of the skill to the left of the buttons displays the proper information, however.
I fought and killed two Flesh Golems without this occuring, but quickloading before fighting the third one resulted in this.
Here's what the screen looked like if its any help.
I crashed when it came time for Gorion to fight Sarevok and his lackeys. I can send a crash dump of this.
This happens with the following scrolls:
*Level 1 - Find Familiar, Spook, Reflected Image
*Level 2 - Glitterdust, Ray of Enfeeblement
*Level 3 - Spell Thrust, Protection From Cold, Protection From Fire, Minor Spell Deflection, Melf's Minute Meteors, Remove Magic
*Level 4 - Fire Shield (Red and Blue), Stoneskin, Secret Word, Teleport Field, Farsight, Contagion, Spider Spawn, Minor Sequencer
*Level 5 - Sunfire
Do you remember if you cast any spells that would create temporary items?
The saved game for this bug would also be great (send it to Dee with descriptions).
I saved over the game accidentally (d'oh!), but I do remember that I had Branwen use her Hammer of the Gods ability to help fight the golems with Kagain. Would the crash dumps be of any use?
No need of crash dumps, that screenshot about the assertion failure was enough.
I don't know why the change for just about every item's appearance in the inventory was necessary - I much prefer its old state. One thing that is wrong with this besides the aforementioned scrolls is that the Staff Spear +2's "picked-up" appearance in the inventory screen just looks weird. There is a vertical black bar that appears to the left of the icon when you're moving around in the inventory. I would post a screenshot, but, just like the scrolls' problem, I can't take one because items that are being picked up will not display in a screenshot.
One thing I've noticed is that sometimes party members will turn to face each other and say a selection sound. It's like they're trying to have their conversations where they compliment/antagonize one another, but instead they say a selection sound or "initial command given" sound. I THINK this is exclusive to the EE-companions, since they don't have either of these lines.
Though I'll be damned if I didn't smile in Durlag's Tower level 4 when Rasaad turned to Imoen and said, "I look forward to your instruction." I was having them both start checking for traps. Imoen was the most skilled at it and it was like she was teaching Rasaad what to look for.
I know that slings getting a STR bonus to THAC0 was fixed, but it looks like throwing daggers were missed. Or is this intentional? This guy has 19 STR and 18 DEX.
Also this is from the latest build (October 12; fixed party member selection with keyboard).