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"Waylaid by enemies" map is black

cmk24cmk24 Member Posts: 605
When traveling between maps and I get "waylaid by enemies" the screen is black until I change my zoom level.


  • CutlassJackCutlassJack Member Posts: 493
    Try hitting the spacebar. Because you're under attack the game autopauses before it reveals the screen.
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,024
    could be a graphic card issue as well, when i get waylaid by enemies, and my game is auto paused right away ( auto pause on enemy sighted) and i've never had a black screen problem, there has been stories of anomolies in the graphics departments in this game before, or i could just be dead wrong and @CutlassJack could be right :)
  • CutlassJackCutlassJack Member Posts: 493
    sarevok57 said:

    could be a graphic card issue as well, when i get waylaid by enemies, and my game is auto paused right away ( auto pause on enemy sighted) and i've never had a black screen problem, there has been stories of anomolies in the graphics departments in this game before, or i could just be dead wrong and @CutlassJack could be right :)

    Are you testing out the new patch? Only happens to me on the beta version, consistently on every waylay.

    Its not a graphic card issue. Its definately connected to the autopause. I suspect the problem is related to the new ultra fast load times.
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,024
    ah i see, no i dont have the beta, im just going to wait until all that stuff is done and wait for the official patch
  • ThunderThunder Member Posts: 157
    I had a black waylaid screen too, until I moved my character.
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    Issue listed here

    Auto-pause should not occur before area and enemies are shown

    1) Load attached save
    2) Open up the options (O)
    3) Click Gameplay
    4) Raise the difficulty to the highest level
    5) Click on Auto-Pause
    6) Enable Enemy Sighted
    7) Return to game screen (G)
    8) Start an area transition and travel to a far away location (Step may need to be repeated)
    9) Notice how the game pauses before the area is shown

    Area and enemies should be shown before the auto-pause occurs.

    Additional Notes

    We're using an existing save for the purposes of testing, but this issue occurs any time a random encounter happens, if you have auto-pause set.
    Internal Tracking Number: 6161
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