Inventory Icons Displaying Incorrect BAM Cycle

IHALB01.BAM cycle 1:

IHALB01.BAM cycle 2:

In the original BG2 game and in the last BG:EE patch, items in the inventory displayed cycle 2 of their respective BAM files as icons. In the beta, all items seem to display cycle 1. This makes some items (especially two-handed weapons) look too small and lacking in detail.
Could you guys look into this, please?

IHALB01.BAM cycle 2:

In the original BG2 game and in the last BG:EE patch, items in the inventory displayed cycle 2 of their respective BAM files as icons. In the beta, all items seem to display cycle 1. This makes some items (especially two-handed weapons) look too small and lacking in detail.
Could you guys look into this, please?
Keeping this in mind, could you maybe look into a way to use/utilize the higher resolution graphics from the cycle 2 icons wherever they are available? (I'm talking about weapons, mostly.) I realize this might be difficult and would probably require artistic work from your team, but I think it could greatly improve the look of these items, which as of now look somewhat off to me.