Race/Class combos and romances

I distinctly remember from Baldur's Gate 1 and 2 about how pretty much you were either Human, Elf, Half Elf most of the time because they had access to most of the classes. I was hoping that halflings, gnomes, dwarves, and half-orcs would be given more access to classes. Also, more specialized priest classes, Talos, Helm, and Lathander are a bit limited if you consider what their ideologies are, and moreover, for BG2 anyways, it'd be awesome if those extra priest kits were given strongholds to align with the different Deities. As for Monks also, their stronghold should be different too, although i suppose that's for when BG2 comes out so I'll shut up about that.
As for romances. I'm not sure if you're al,lowed to do this, but don't you think that it would be awesome if certain characters were romancable like... Alora... and maybe Kagain. I remember that Korgan in BG2 would hit on Mazzy all the time, so aren't the midgets interchangable?
As for romances. I'm not sure if you're al,lowed to do this, but don't you think that it would be awesome if certain characters were romancable like... Alora... and maybe Kagain. I remember that Korgan in BG2 would hit on Mazzy all the time, so aren't the midgets interchangable?
In terms of the class restrictions that's kind just how it was in the older d&d versions, and the game tries to be as faithful to the mechanics where it can be. At least it's not like the earlier versions of D&D where dwarf itself was a class.
I too think that the choice, however, should be ours. Playing with race/class combinations that are not ideal would definitely add a new level of challenge to the game which might be fun.
Also, said halfling barbarian would be a kinda cool sight
Well... except chaotic good drow fighters. They seem to be pretty common.
Though that's definitely more of a consideration for pen and paper rather than BG, since it's harder to roleplay in a computer game. Still entirely possible though.
for example elf with viconia?
They would also probably realize just how much changed and maybe even get an idea of why at least some people still prefer 2E over 3E despite it's ease of power-gaming methods (or because of them).
There is just such a complete mindset change, between how editions approached not just the character, but the world and magic's interaction with the world that I'm not impressed with the ability to cast Mass Heal in 3E. When I see just how much the way WotC set things, it allowed for munchkinism to take over in the equivalent of a CCG-type pnp character (which is ultimately what I view prestige classes as, the 'booster pack' that you use to alter your character's abilites).
I am a power-gamer. I can freely admit both that, and that there are some things that I like about 3E but there are a lot more aspects that I utterly despise. I simply do not want munchkinism to infect the series any more than it has. Those who want to play with 3E rules should play IWD2 or NWN1+2, but leave my Baldur's Gate 2E alone!
I personally like 3rd edition better because of the customization options, but I respect the fact you like 2nd better, but where the big deal with the addition of sorcerors?
I do want to open up the romance to other races though. I mean its not like it's something that unbalances the game.
Since one didn't regularly see the Sorcerer in ADnD (I'm not sure if they existed in it, so if anyone has confirmation of that I'd like to know which black book it's in), with how WotC promoted 3E almost everyone that sees it thinks of the bonuses they get in 3E for it and want those bonuses in BG2, a 2E game, because of it.
Course, the forums that I'm in might just be blurring together for me and it's actually the same people on different forums. . . but I doubt that.
For myself, I'd much prefer a romance that wasn't based on a stat or a race, but by the conversation dialogue instead. I like the idea of the romance progressing by how you treat the other individual and how you act instead of having 16 INT or CHA. But like I said, that's just me. Stat requirements make sense if they aren't over the top as some of the mods have done.
agreed, it would be good for an elf to romance Viconia
And when it comes to 2E and 3E... I've played pen and paper sparingly so I honestly don't know much about the differences. I don't mean to wonder about what they're doing to "your" game, but I just figure that this game has enough of a mix of both, that it kind of makes its own rules in exactly what they're putting in and what they're taking out.
I believe that this is just going to be a better mix of not only what the devs had in mind, but also what the player base wants too.
And Sorcerers are non existant in this game anyways unless if you download a mod or somehow put effort into really placing them in the game...