Shoal the Nereid - Bug

First off, thank you for letting me participate in the beta. For the most part, this version of the game is fantastic and highly stable on my system (specs below):
* Operating System: Windows 8 64-bit (6.2, build 9200)
* CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3630QM CPU @ 2.40GHz (8 CPUs) 2.4GHz
* GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 675M
However, I run into a problem when I interact with Shoal the Nereid.
Normally, I let Shoal give one of companions the kiss of death. The companion dies as a result and Shoal attacks. After taking a few points of damage, Shoal initiates a dialogue. I tell her to 'restore my fallen, else I shall continue...' In previous versions of the game, she then resurrects the slain character.
However, in the beta, the game crashes and I receive the following error message (see image):
First off, thank you for letting me participate in the beta. For the most part, this version of the game is fantastic and highly stable on my system (specs below):
* Operating System: Windows 8 64-bit (6.2, build 9200)
* CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3630QM CPU @ 2.40GHz (8 CPUs) 2.4GHz
* GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 675M
However, I run into a problem when I interact with Shoal the Nereid.
Normally, I let Shoal give one of companions the kiss of death. The companion dies as a result and Shoal attacks. After taking a few points of damage, Shoal initiates a dialogue. I tell her to 'restore my fallen, else I shall continue...' In previous versions of the game, she then resurrects the slain character.
However, in the beta, the game crashes and I receive the following error message (see image):
Post edited by Silence on
If she must kill someone, let it not be charname OR if she kisses charname let it bring him to only near-death.
Current behavior is as bad as "you are eaten by a grue" -- especially for no-reload games.
I can send 2 dump reports if needed, @Dee.
And shall we discuss nymphs? Any man who sees a nymph dies from seeing how beautiful she/it is. But there is also a save for "looked away in time". And Sirines can touch someone to reduce their INT to 2. (Dispellable with Dispel Magic or by the touch of another Sirine.)
Anyway, I also went through the quest on beta without fail.
On my one and only playthrough of ToB (so like, 10 years ago) I played a Sorcerer and didn't powergame him (aka reload on level ups) so he had VERY few hitpoints. Like basically lower than anybody would ever expect.
At any rate, I can't remember exactly where, but there was a point at which a conversation occurs and you are AUTOMATICALLY poisoned, and if you don't have enough hitpoints, you die during the course of the conversation, period.
Took me forever to figure out how to actually get through that (the only solution I could find was actually casting regeneration before the conversation started. In retrospect, I probably could have polymorphed before starting the convo as well).
Shoal kills you instantly, and there is absolutely nothing that can be done to prevent your death after talking to her. The only way to avoid Shoal-induced death is 1) not to talk to her, or 2) attack her while she is not hostile.
It's actually great to see people's thoughts on this quest in general. Though I think the quest should be changed, I don't need it to be. The real issue here is the bug and I'm glad to know it's being fixed.
This is not the Holy Book. Just fix it already. Fix it such that the main PC is never killed back to the game-over screen.