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Bloodcircle / Redout on low CHARNAME HP, Health Bars above action bars


what about the option to add a red glowing border which glows bolder the less health than 33% (perhaps adjustable) CHARNAME has?
And perhaps 6 health bars (each 1/6th in length of the action bar) above the action bars for better visibility?

I know that pause on round end is a good aid but some important information should be closer to your eye's focus.


  • JoeyJoey Member Posts: 201
    I don't think we really need either of those...given that you can, and are supposed to be, pausing the game as often as you like, you don't really need them.
  • meaglothmeagloth Member Posts: 3,806
    This sort of already happens when the characters say that they are almost dead?
    Like "I am surly close to death" or "I feel so cold"
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