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Bug with Kivan

ronaldoronaldo Member Posts: 263
Ive had a strange thing happen with Kivan. I guess I took too long to start looking for the bandits for Kivan so he left the group when I entered Nashkel.

The problem is now every time I enter Nashkel I get the dialogue with Kivan to join my group again. If I let him join his portrait pops up but then I immediately get the dialogue where he says I am taking too long to find the bandits and leaves again!

I should add this happens without me initiating dialogue with Kivan. I don't even see him on the map, it happens the instant I enter Nashkel.

This happens every time I enter Nashkel. Not sure if this is related to the Beta because I've never encountered this issue before. Thought I should bring it up though.


  • JessticulateJessticulate Member Posts: 12
    Seems to be alot of bugs with Kivan! I have posted a few issues regarding him too.
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    Can you upload your saved game?
  • ronaldoronaldo Member Posts: 263
    @Dee I think I uploaded this correctly. This is the closest save I have with Kivan still in the party. This save is before he gives me the second warning (I believe) about leaving.
    Hope this helps.
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    I'm not seeing the issue. Do you have a save from after he's left?
  • ronaldoronaldo Member Posts: 263
    @Dee Here is another save from after he left. I just tried using this save my self and I got the same thing with Kivan. I just traveled normally to Nashkel using the world map and as soon as I am in Nashkel I get the same problem.
    I'm wondering if it has something to do with having an open companion slot in this save. When I try another later save with all 6 slots filled I don't get the Kivan issue when entering Nashkel.
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    Yep, I see it there. Logging it now.
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447

    Kivan should not initiate dialogue when off-screen

    1. Load the attached saved game
    2. Move to the eastern edge of the map and travel to Nashkel
    3. Notice that Kivan initiates dialogue from off-screen: "It is a good time for us to go our separate ways. Perhaps we shall meet again."

    Kivan should not initiate dialogue from off-screen. Kivan should not initiate dialogue at all unless the player speaks to him.

    (If the player ends the dialogue, Kivan continues to initiate dialogue from off-screen until the player either invites him to rejoin the party, leaves the area, or kills him.)
    Internal Tracking Number: 6287
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    When you left Kivan in Nashkel, did you "reform-party" him out of your group, or did he leave in a huff?

    If you reformed him out, did you leave the area before he delivered his "leaving" dialogue?
  • ronaldoronaldo Member Posts: 263
    @Dee He left in a huff. He gave me the "leaving" dialogue and walked off.
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    Did you leave the area before he disappeared?
  • ronaldoronaldo Member Posts: 263
    @Dee I really don't remember. Sorry
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,025
    I've never had kivan leave my team taking too long to find the bandits, usually when I recruit him I take another 70 days before I even hit nashkiel mines and there is no prompt of him wanting to leave, I think based on what you say to him, makes kivan's timer start for when he leaves your group if you don't get to the camp fast enough ( one option probably gives 10 days, while the other option gives you infinite time)
  • JLeeJLee Member Posts: 650
    I am having this issue too. Kivan is leaving after 38 days. We found the bandit camp and have been turning scalps in to Vai, although we did not advance to chapter 4. I have never had Kivan leave before this game.

    While playing the beta game, I travel to Nashkell and when I arrive Kivan gives his leaving dialog and is gone.

    When I load the game with the original BGEE and head to Nashkell, everything is fine and Kivan stays.

    Anyone else having problems with Kivan leaving really early?

    My apologies if this issue is addressed elsewhere. After a search, this was the only one I found.
  • ronaldoronaldo Member Posts: 263
    @JLee This bug was supposed to have been fixed in the latest update to the Beta I thought. You might have to start a new game for it to work though.
    Maybe check with Dee?
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