BG1 attack animations + My BG story

Does anyone else prefer the attack animations in BG1?
I think they add to the feel of the game. A little background (this is my first post)
I got into Baldur's Gate from my brother, watching him and his friends play. He had borrowed the game briefly off a friend. This was around 2000. I first saw them play Baldur's Gate 1 and mucked around on it when I could. Being only about 7 years old, I was not up to playing a game of this magnitude all the way through, only ever being in Candlekeep, just playing with a few cheats (TheGreatGonzo anyone?!)
A few years later my brother purchased BG2 for himself, and for the first time I got to play properly. From the get-go I was hooked. I knew nothing of D&D (I still know very little) and all the THAC0's and saving throws and 1d4's and 2d3's really confused me but I learnt the basics (lower THAC0 is better, lower AC is better, figured out the damage thing etc) and only grew more interested as I learned about the game mechanics and became more used to playing the game. The story was so brilliant and immersive, and the game perfectly fits my love of medieval themes.
After a few years of on and off BG2 I became quite familiar with the BG version of D&D, geeking it out every now and again to read through the manual 8)
A friend of mine had BG1 and every now and again I would play it at his house. I think the furthest I got was Friendly Arm Inn, at this point I was a total noob and not used to playing as a lvl 1 6hp mage. However I found the game to be thouroughly enjoyable, and was always wanting to play more.
Finally, at the age of around 14, I borrowed the game off him and played through fully for my first time. Something about BG1 appealed to me more than BG2, I think this includes its relative simplicity and the vunerability you experience coming from a sheltered life in Candlekeep, trekking the wilderness and freaking out at the sight of gibberlings / bears. Also the sheer expansiveness of BG1 was amazing, BG2 has great variety and depth but BG1 just had so many random locations to explore, each with its own little encounters and sights to see.
To complete my story, at the age of 16 I finally purchased my own copy of BG1 + TOSC and played multiple games through to the end, also making sure to do every side quest I could find. It was absolutely amazing. One memory I cherish fondly was my first full playthrough as a mage, I had been playing for hours and was tired. It was about 3am in the morning, at this time I was used to sleeping at 10pm so I was pretty out of it. I went back to Candlekeep for the first time after all the adventures and experiences I had had since I left, and I felt like I had just come home. Seeing all the charactors from Candlekeep aswell brought back memories of chasing rats and fetching bolts etc, it was just awesome. It was a crazy and weird feeling to get from a video game, but this goes to show how immersive and fantastic the game is. Of course being sleep deprived enhanced this detached from reality feeling
Anyway, for some reason I have always had a particular fondness for BG1 over BG2. I know BG2 is more polished, better graphics and better AI, amoung other "improvements", but there is not much I would change about BG1.
I think the user interface, the charactor animations, even the combat sounds (shooting a bow for example) contribute to the feel of nostalgia I get when I play the game, and I feel that replacing these with BG2 equivilents may take away from that slightly. This is one reason why I never used BGTutu.
This has been a long rant and I don't expect many of you to read this, nor do I blame you for skipping through ;P I just wanted to share my BG experience as none of my friends are into this game, and my brother is travelling.
But also, I wanted to know if anyone else preferred some of the more basic aspects of BG1. Combat animations, weapon and armour looks, spell casting sounds and movements... I wouldn't want these in BG2 but I feel they help make BG1 so great in some way, and make it feel like more of a stand alone awesome game rather than just a prequel to BG2.
I think they add to the feel of the game. A little background (this is my first post)
I got into Baldur's Gate from my brother, watching him and his friends play. He had borrowed the game briefly off a friend. This was around 2000. I first saw them play Baldur's Gate 1 and mucked around on it when I could. Being only about 7 years old, I was not up to playing a game of this magnitude all the way through, only ever being in Candlekeep, just playing with a few cheats (TheGreatGonzo anyone?!)
A few years later my brother purchased BG2 for himself, and for the first time I got to play properly. From the get-go I was hooked. I knew nothing of D&D (I still know very little) and all the THAC0's and saving throws and 1d4's and 2d3's really confused me but I learnt the basics (lower THAC0 is better, lower AC is better, figured out the damage thing etc) and only grew more interested as I learned about the game mechanics and became more used to playing the game. The story was so brilliant and immersive, and the game perfectly fits my love of medieval themes.
After a few years of on and off BG2 I became quite familiar with the BG version of D&D, geeking it out every now and again to read through the manual 8)
A friend of mine had BG1 and every now and again I would play it at his house. I think the furthest I got was Friendly Arm Inn, at this point I was a total noob and not used to playing as a lvl 1 6hp mage. However I found the game to be thouroughly enjoyable, and was always wanting to play more.
Finally, at the age of around 14, I borrowed the game off him and played through fully for my first time. Something about BG1 appealed to me more than BG2, I think this includes its relative simplicity and the vunerability you experience coming from a sheltered life in Candlekeep, trekking the wilderness and freaking out at the sight of gibberlings / bears. Also the sheer expansiveness of BG1 was amazing, BG2 has great variety and depth but BG1 just had so many random locations to explore, each with its own little encounters and sights to see.
To complete my story, at the age of 16 I finally purchased my own copy of BG1 + TOSC and played multiple games through to the end, also making sure to do every side quest I could find. It was absolutely amazing. One memory I cherish fondly was my first full playthrough as a mage, I had been playing for hours and was tired. It was about 3am in the morning, at this time I was used to sleeping at 10pm so I was pretty out of it. I went back to Candlekeep for the first time after all the adventures and experiences I had had since I left, and I felt like I had just come home. Seeing all the charactors from Candlekeep aswell brought back memories of chasing rats and fetching bolts etc, it was just awesome. It was a crazy and weird feeling to get from a video game, but this goes to show how immersive and fantastic the game is. Of course being sleep deprived enhanced this detached from reality feeling

Anyway, for some reason I have always had a particular fondness for BG1 over BG2. I know BG2 is more polished, better graphics and better AI, amoung other "improvements", but there is not much I would change about BG1.
I think the user interface, the charactor animations, even the combat sounds (shooting a bow for example) contribute to the feel of nostalgia I get when I play the game, and I feel that replacing these with BG2 equivilents may take away from that slightly. This is one reason why I never used BGTutu.
This has been a long rant and I don't expect many of you to read this, nor do I blame you for skipping through ;P I just wanted to share my BG experience as none of my friends are into this game, and my brother is travelling.
But also, I wanted to know if anyone else preferred some of the more basic aspects of BG1. Combat animations, weapon and armour looks, spell casting sounds and movements... I wouldn't want these in BG2 but I feel they help make BG1 so great in some way, and make it feel like more of a stand alone awesome game rather than just a prequel to BG2.
The attack animations in BG2 are too slow and fluid, for example the quarterstaff.
In BG1 it is very flicky and fast, whereas in BG2 he holds it like a 2h sword and swings slowly.
*sigh* ahh well
The other stuff, I totally agree with the OP. Using BG2 engine is okay, but please please please try to keep it as much BG1-ey as possible. Otherwise it'll feel like BG1.5...
Exactly, BG1 was amazing in it's own right, keep it as its own game rather than making it BG2 prequel.
Exactly, BG1 was amazing in it's own right, keep it as its own game rather than making it BG2 prequel.