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Can't find save folder? Here is your solution

BolekBolek Member Posts: 60
edited October 2013 in Mac OS X (Archive)
I've noticed that some of you can't find baldur's save folder. Depends on configuration, some folders are hidden. You can't find them via Spotlight.
So what do you do when you want to move your save's?
1. Open Terminal (Applications>Utilities>Terminal)
2. Past "defaults write AppleShowAllFiles -bool true"
3. Log out from your account and log in back.
4. Go to /Users/Library/Containers/com.beamdog.baldursgateenhancededition/Data/Documents/Baldur's Gate - Enhanced Edition
Notice: Hidden folders will be market as lighter than regular ones. So make sure that you click on light-colored Library.
5. Now you have your saves. Copy it.
6. Once again run Terminal and past "defaults write AppleShowAllFiles -bool false". This will hide back folders.

You're welcome :)


  • alnairalnair Member Posts: 561
    Isn't it much easier to use the shortcut in the Documents folder? :)
  • BolekBolek Member Posts: 60
    It is easier but sometimes it seems to fail. This is 100% solution :)
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