Looking for players

in Multiplayer
Hello all, new here. Played the original BG many years ago, got far but never finished. Looking for someone to play a new online campaign with. Prefer mature players if not in age at least in mentality. I work nights so I'm usually available to play from around 9 am to 4 pm EST which is -5 GMT. Let me know if you're interested and we'll hook up on Steam. Thanks.
I'm flexible with hours and am looking for a semi-serious, possibly rp playthrough.
Keep me posted and dont hesitate to add me on Steam: Satyrikongr
My problem is that I don't really have much spare time, most days I'm only available in the morning or at lunch. Mondays I'm also available from 20:00 GMT-3 (23GMT0). Every other thursday I'm available from 21:00 GMT-3 (24GMT0) and some Wednesdays from 18:30 GMT-3 (2130GMT0). Weekends I'm not really at home