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New Abjuration spells

Fairly Short list as most are already in game or wouldn't work with BG. Work in progress, yada yada.

2nd Level -

Filter -

Target creature is immune to all gas/cloud based spells and effects for 1 turn per level.

3rd Level -

Invisible Mail -

Sets base AC to 3 as long as it remains in effect. Spell blocks a total of 1 physical damage per caster level. Lasts until used up or 8 hours pass.

Iron Mind -

Immunity to Charm and Hold spells for 1 hour.

4th Level -

Bestow Curse - Can only be removed by Remove Curse.

Randomly and permanently does one of the following on a failed save.

Random ability score on the target is reduced to 3.
Hit/damage/saves are worsen by 4.
50% chance per round to fall down.

Halo of Eyes -

Caster has infravision, and cannot be backstabbed. Also invisible or stealthed creatures gain no bonus to hit.

5th level -


Target summoned or gated creature is instantly removed. Save gets a bonus for each level over the caster the target is, and a penalty for each level under the caster the target is.

6th Level -

Anti-magic Shell -

Caster is encased by a field that prevents any spells from affecting them. All magical buffs are removed, and all abilities of magical items suppressed. Lasts 1 round per level.

Repulsion -

One per round any creature attempting to approach the caster's frontal cone will knocked away, as per wing buffet. Lasts 1 round/2 levels. Exceptionally large creatures such as giants or dragons are unaffected.

7th Level -

Banishment -

As per Dismissal but affects all applicable targets within 60ft of the caster. Creatures with fewer HD then the caster get no save.

8th Level -

Protection from Undead -

The caster is warded in such a way that undead cannot see or otherwise detect their presence. Any hostile action dispels the effect.

Mind Blank -

Target creature gains the same effect as a Greenstone Amulet, except the effect lasts 24 hours.

Spell Immunity -

Caster and all friendly subjects within 20 feet gains +10 to saves vs magical effects for 1 round per level.
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