New Druid Spells (WiP)
Member Posts: 2,869
Work in progress, just covering rough descriptions for the moment. Primarily working from the Core books, but supplements will be addressed as needed. This one'll probably take longer then the mage lists due to it being harder to figure out which class gets which spells (all spells up to 3rd level are also available to rangers of the appropriate levels).
(Covered all the Core book spells, I'll work on supplements later).
1st Level -
Animal Friendship -
On a failed save target animal joins the party in a manner similar to a familiar, except that they cannot be stowed. Each caster can only have 1 animal companion at a time, and the animal must have equal or fewer HD then the caster or the spell fails. If the animal companion dies the caster loses all divine spell-casting ability for 48 hours due to grief. A successful save to reduces it to 8 hours. Animal Friendship can be cast on an already bonded animal to release it from service without penalty.
Cure Light Wounds - (Modified)
(Reversible Nested Spell)
- Cure Light Wounds: Heals target creature for 1d8.
- Cause Light Wounds: On next hit, struck creature takes 1d8 magic damage.
Faerie Fire -
Target creature is illuminated by a soft light, preventing all forms of stealth and invisibility. Attackers attempting to strike the target gain a +2 bonus to hit. Lasts 4 rounds, +1 per level.
Protection from Animals -
Caster and party are rendered undetectable to animals for 1 turn, +1 rounds/level. Any hostile action dispels the effect.
2nd Level -
Summon Dust Devil (air elemental)
Summons a small dust devil with 4 ac, 16 hp, and deal 1d4 damage on hit. Lasts 2 rounds per level. Generates a 10ft wide cloud effect centered on itself that requires a save each round or prevents all spell-casting for that round.
Animal Spy -
Creates a small rat that the gives line of sight similar to Wizard's Eye. Cannot attack and is ignored by most enemies.
Fire Trap -
Caster creates a Trapped sigil on the ground that explodes when an enemy comes near it, dealing 1d4 fire damage, +1 per caster level. The caster and his allies are unaffected.
Heat Metal -
(Reversible Nested Spell)
- Heat Metal - Target creature wearing metal armor takes progressively more fire damage over 7 rounds. None on round 1, 1d4 on rounds 2-4, and 2d4 on rounds 5-7. At the end of the 7th round the target must save or be rendered unconscious for 5 rounds. Non-magical armor gets no save to avoid the spell, but magical armor allows a save to negate the spell.
- Chill Metal - As heat metal except except rounds 2-4 are 1d2 cold damage, and 5-7 are 1d4 cold damage. At the end of the 7th round the target must save or be numbed for 5 rounds (slowed by 50%, -2 penalty to hit).
Obscurement -
Caster creates 10ft wide a bank of fog around them that gives all targeted ranged attacks a 75% chance of missing. Can be dispelled by Gust of Wind or similar spells. Spell lasts 4 rounds, +1 per level.
Produce Flame -
The caster creates several small globes of fire, 1 per caster level, that can be hurled at a target. They cause 1d4+1 fire damage and the target must save or take 1d6 fire damage per round until they successfully save. Only 1 globe can be thrown per round.
Trip -
Target creature falls to the ground for 1 round. No save. Very large creatures such as true Giants are unaffected.
3rd Level -
Zone of Fresh Air -
(Added to druid list, due to Greater Air sphere)
Imbue with magic (Magic Fang) -
Allows natural attacks of target creature to strike as if +1. Bonus increases by +1 per 3 levels to a maximum of +5 at 15.
Pyrotechnics -
Throws a small fireball at a group of enemies (causes no damage). Those within the area of effect must save or be blinded for 1d4+1 rounds. The explosion also creates a choking cloud of smoke that requires a save or the target will be wracked by coughing for 1 turn, worsening AC and hit by 2.
Spiky Growth -
A bed of thorns spring up over an area dealing 2d4 damage per step. Creatures must save or have their movement speed slowed to 1/3 of normal for 1 turn.
Cure Serious Wounds - (Modified)
(Reversible nested spell)
- Cure Serious Wounds - Heals 2d8+1 to target creature.
- Cause Serious Wounds - On next hit, target creature takes 2d8+1 magic damage.
4th Level -
Protection from Lightning -
(Nested Spell)
- Caster - Stops a total of 10 electrical damage per caster level and immunity to any other side effects until the spell ends.
- Target - Gives +4 saves vs electrical spells/effects, and 50% resistance to electrical damage.
Needlestorm -
A small cactus sprouts up at the designated point and sprays a barrage of needles at all surrounding enemies for 1d12/3 levels of the caster. Effect repeats for 4 rounds. Save for half-damage.
Summon Snakes -
Summons 1d4+1 venomous snakes (10 hp, 5 AC, deals 1d2 damage + save or take 3 poison damage over 6 seconds)
5th Level -
Nature's Charm -
Creates a warded area that any hostile entering must save or stand in awe of some surrounding natural element such as clouds, rock formations, vegetation, etc. Awe lasts until they are subject to some hostile attack. Spell effect lasts for 2 rounds per level.
Animal Growth -
(Reversible nested Spell) Lasts 2 rounds per level.
- Animal Growth - Doubles the HP and Damage of target group of animals. Shapeshifted druids are unaffected.
- Shrink Animal - Halves target group of animals hp and damage. Shapeshifted druids are unaffected.
Atonement -
Removes fallen status from Rangers or Paladin. A target can only receive an atonement spell ONCE. Any further attempts will automatically fail.
Thornwhack -
On a failed save, the spell causes thorns to slowly burst from the target creature, deals 1d3 damage to target creature per round. Lasts 1 round per level. While under the effect of the spell, every round the target must save or be paralyzed for that round from the pain.
Cure Critical Wounds - (Modified)
(reversible Nested Spell)
- Cure Critical Wounds - Heals 3d8+3 damage to target creature.
- Cause Critical Wounds - On next hit, target suffers 3d8+3 magical damage.
Transmute rock to mud -
Turns an area of ground into a mud pit, targets attempting to move through the area are slowed by 50% with no save or magic resistance, and must save vs spells or become held due to sinking into a deeper pocket of mud. Large creatures such as giants or dragons, or flying/floating creatures are completely unaffected. Effect lasts 4 rounds, +1 per level.
6th Level -
Conjure Fire Elemental - (Modified)
(reversible nested spell)
- Conjure Fire Elemental - Same as current
- Banish Fire Elemental - Target Fire elemental must save or be banished. For each level over the caster it gets a +1 bonus, for each level under the caster it suffers a -1 penalty.
Heal - (Modified)
(Reversible nested spell)
- Heal - recovers all hp to the target.
- Harm - On next hit, target is reduced to 1d4 hp.
7th Level -
Reincarnation -
Raises target dead character as per raise dead. Character race and appearance changed to that of a random playable race, with all applicable bonuses and penalties. Class is unchanged.
Animate Stone -
Creates a stone construct from the earth. Has an AC of 5, 3 hp per caster level, it's fists deals 1d3 damage on hit per caster level, 80% resistance to missiles, 70% resistance to slashing, 40% resistance to piercing, and takes 25% more damage from blunt damage. Has the same thac0 and saves as the caster. 50% resistance to all elements except acid.
Change-staff -
Summons a Treant. Is lvl 12, has 40 Hp, AC 0. Can attack twice per round at 4d6 blunt damage. Takes double damage from fire attacks.
Conjure Earth Elemental - (Modified)
(reversible nested spell)
- Conjure Earth Elemental - Same as current
- Banish Earth Elemental - Target Earth elemental must save or be banished. For each level over the caster it gets a +1 bonus, for each level under the caster it suffers a -1 penalty.
Wood Change -
All targets in the area of effect must save or be permanently transformed into regular trees (trees cannot move or attack, but do have 50% resistance to physical damage. They take double damage from fire or lightning attacks). Total affected HD cannot exceed the druid's level.
(Covered all the Core book spells, I'll work on supplements later).
1st Level -
Animal Friendship -
On a failed save target animal joins the party in a manner similar to a familiar, except that they cannot be stowed. Each caster can only have 1 animal companion at a time, and the animal must have equal or fewer HD then the caster or the spell fails. If the animal companion dies the caster loses all divine spell-casting ability for 48 hours due to grief. A successful save to reduces it to 8 hours. Animal Friendship can be cast on an already bonded animal to release it from service without penalty.
Cure Light Wounds - (Modified)
(Reversible Nested Spell)
- Cure Light Wounds: Heals target creature for 1d8.
- Cause Light Wounds: On next hit, struck creature takes 1d8 magic damage.
Faerie Fire -
Target creature is illuminated by a soft light, preventing all forms of stealth and invisibility. Attackers attempting to strike the target gain a +2 bonus to hit. Lasts 4 rounds, +1 per level.
Protection from Animals -
Caster and party are rendered undetectable to animals for 1 turn, +1 rounds/level. Any hostile action dispels the effect.
2nd Level -
Summon Dust Devil (air elemental)
Summons a small dust devil with 4 ac, 16 hp, and deal 1d4 damage on hit. Lasts 2 rounds per level. Generates a 10ft wide cloud effect centered on itself that requires a save each round or prevents all spell-casting for that round.
Animal Spy -
Creates a small rat that the gives line of sight similar to Wizard's Eye. Cannot attack and is ignored by most enemies.
Fire Trap -
Caster creates a Trapped sigil on the ground that explodes when an enemy comes near it, dealing 1d4 fire damage, +1 per caster level. The caster and his allies are unaffected.
Heat Metal -
(Reversible Nested Spell)
- Heat Metal - Target creature wearing metal armor takes progressively more fire damage over 7 rounds. None on round 1, 1d4 on rounds 2-4, and 2d4 on rounds 5-7. At the end of the 7th round the target must save or be rendered unconscious for 5 rounds. Non-magical armor gets no save to avoid the spell, but magical armor allows a save to negate the spell.
- Chill Metal - As heat metal except except rounds 2-4 are 1d2 cold damage, and 5-7 are 1d4 cold damage. At the end of the 7th round the target must save or be numbed for 5 rounds (slowed by 50%, -2 penalty to hit).
Obscurement -
Caster creates 10ft wide a bank of fog around them that gives all targeted ranged attacks a 75% chance of missing. Can be dispelled by Gust of Wind or similar spells. Spell lasts 4 rounds, +1 per level.
Produce Flame -
The caster creates several small globes of fire, 1 per caster level, that can be hurled at a target. They cause 1d4+1 fire damage and the target must save or take 1d6 fire damage per round until they successfully save. Only 1 globe can be thrown per round.
Trip -
Target creature falls to the ground for 1 round. No save. Very large creatures such as true Giants are unaffected.
3rd Level -
Zone of Fresh Air -
(Added to druid list, due to Greater Air sphere)
Imbue with magic (Magic Fang) -
Allows natural attacks of target creature to strike as if +1. Bonus increases by +1 per 3 levels to a maximum of +5 at 15.
Pyrotechnics -
Throws a small fireball at a group of enemies (causes no damage). Those within the area of effect must save or be blinded for 1d4+1 rounds. The explosion also creates a choking cloud of smoke that requires a save or the target will be wracked by coughing for 1 turn, worsening AC and hit by 2.
Spiky Growth -
A bed of thorns spring up over an area dealing 2d4 damage per step. Creatures must save or have their movement speed slowed to 1/3 of normal for 1 turn.
Cure Serious Wounds - (Modified)
(Reversible nested spell)
- Cure Serious Wounds - Heals 2d8+1 to target creature.
- Cause Serious Wounds - On next hit, target creature takes 2d8+1 magic damage.
4th Level -
Protection from Lightning -
(Nested Spell)
- Caster - Stops a total of 10 electrical damage per caster level and immunity to any other side effects until the spell ends.
- Target - Gives +4 saves vs electrical spells/effects, and 50% resistance to electrical damage.
Needlestorm -
A small cactus sprouts up at the designated point and sprays a barrage of needles at all surrounding enemies for 1d12/3 levels of the caster. Effect repeats for 4 rounds. Save for half-damage.
Summon Snakes -
Summons 1d4+1 venomous snakes (10 hp, 5 AC, deals 1d2 damage + save or take 3 poison damage over 6 seconds)
5th Level -
Nature's Charm -
Creates a warded area that any hostile entering must save or stand in awe of some surrounding natural element such as clouds, rock formations, vegetation, etc. Awe lasts until they are subject to some hostile attack. Spell effect lasts for 2 rounds per level.
Animal Growth -
(Reversible nested Spell) Lasts 2 rounds per level.
- Animal Growth - Doubles the HP and Damage of target group of animals. Shapeshifted druids are unaffected.
- Shrink Animal - Halves target group of animals hp and damage. Shapeshifted druids are unaffected.
Atonement -
Removes fallen status from Rangers or Paladin. A target can only receive an atonement spell ONCE. Any further attempts will automatically fail.
Thornwhack -
On a failed save, the spell causes thorns to slowly burst from the target creature, deals 1d3 damage to target creature per round. Lasts 1 round per level. While under the effect of the spell, every round the target must save or be paralyzed for that round from the pain.
Cure Critical Wounds - (Modified)
(reversible Nested Spell)
- Cure Critical Wounds - Heals 3d8+3 damage to target creature.
- Cause Critical Wounds - On next hit, target suffers 3d8+3 magical damage.
Transmute rock to mud -
Turns an area of ground into a mud pit, targets attempting to move through the area are slowed by 50% with no save or magic resistance, and must save vs spells or become held due to sinking into a deeper pocket of mud. Large creatures such as giants or dragons, or flying/floating creatures are completely unaffected. Effect lasts 4 rounds, +1 per level.
6th Level -
Conjure Fire Elemental - (Modified)
(reversible nested spell)
- Conjure Fire Elemental - Same as current
- Banish Fire Elemental - Target Fire elemental must save or be banished. For each level over the caster it gets a +1 bonus, for each level under the caster it suffers a -1 penalty.
Heal - (Modified)
(Reversible nested spell)
- Heal - recovers all hp to the target.
- Harm - On next hit, target is reduced to 1d4 hp.
7th Level -
Reincarnation -
Raises target dead character as per raise dead. Character race and appearance changed to that of a random playable race, with all applicable bonuses and penalties. Class is unchanged.
Animate Stone -
Creates a stone construct from the earth. Has an AC of 5, 3 hp per caster level, it's fists deals 1d3 damage on hit per caster level, 80% resistance to missiles, 70% resistance to slashing, 40% resistance to piercing, and takes 25% more damage from blunt damage. Has the same thac0 and saves as the caster. 50% resistance to all elements except acid.
Change-staff -
Summons a Treant. Is lvl 12, has 40 Hp, AC 0. Can attack twice per round at 4d6 blunt damage. Takes double damage from fire attacks.
Conjure Earth Elemental - (Modified)
(reversible nested spell)
- Conjure Earth Elemental - Same as current
- Banish Earth Elemental - Target Earth elemental must save or be banished. For each level over the caster it gets a +1 bonus, for each level under the caster it suffers a -1 penalty.
Wood Change -
All targets in the area of effect must save or be permanently transformed into regular trees (trees cannot move or attack, but do have 50% resistance to physical damage. They take double damage from fire or lightning attacks). Total affected HD cannot exceed the druid's level.
Post edited by ZanathKariashi on