Looking for advice to play BG:EE 1&2 on the go. Ipad or Touchscreen Laptop or Kindle Fire HDX?

Hello, I play the game on the PC but now I am looking for a way to play it on the go @ work and other places. I am looking closely at the Ipad mini, because it's the cheapest one and also the smallest, and I'm very interested in it. Now I saw some touchscreen laptops that are small @ around 11"-12", some even smaller, and they are catching my attention as well.
Basically I don't want to play with the trackpad of a regular laptop, so it has to be something with touchscreen. What do you guys recommend? Go for an Ipad Mini? Or get a small touchscreen laptop? Also, what about waiting for the android version and getting a Kindle Fire HDX, which is the cheapest of all these 3 options. Last I heard is a different team working on it & they have no release frame.
Basically I don't want to play with the trackpad of a regular laptop, so it has to be something with touchscreen. What do you guys recommend? Go for an Ipad Mini? Or get a small touchscreen laptop? Also, what about waiting for the android version and getting a Kindle Fire HDX, which is the cheapest of all these 3 options. Last I heard is a different team working on it & they have no release frame.
Now of course, Beamdog could sell in Amazon market place as well as the device getting rooted in the future, but until then, there is no certainty. It is true that there is no current release date for android but I have hope that it would be released this year (so I can play on my cheap china knockoff tablet!)
The Ipad may be a good option if you want itunes apps or IOS and the current bugs in Ipad version would be eventually be fixed when patch 1.2 rolls out, but I find it hard to justify if you are just looking to play BGEE/BG2EE on it. (Ipad itself is a good device should you get one)
So all in all, think of what you want to use your new device in. If you want to use PC features, go mini convertable. If you think the benefits of a tablet is for you, (watching films while lazying around, ebooks ect) go tablet.
One thing I will say to you is that if you go Android Tablet route or Ipad route, it may be better to wait a little bit as both Apple and many Android tablet firms are looking to bring out next generations of their current devices soon. Maybe at least until end of october when news of new Ipads may appear. (for android, until announcements of Android version appears)
That post was waaay too long than what I thought it would be.
One thing I want to ask is I had a look at the The Toughbook CF-19 mk2, what is the GPU on this thing? it doesn't say on the spec sheet. Also it's 2.3kg (5.1 lbs) which is significantly heavier than tablets. (Although it doesn't say how much it weighs in tablet mode)
Do you guys play on Ipad? how does it feel? is it unplayable because of the bugs?
There are no game-breaking bugs, but the AoE spells get a little annoying (move the screen for the duration of the spell if you can). The next patch is supposed to correct this with the new renderer.
I use the iPad as my sole multimedia device (don't use any computer apart from my work laptop). I find it really confortable, no heating, no time starting up/ shutting off, and very easy to use.
I personally don't have an Ipad since I'm more of an Android guy, but it is widely known that the Ipad version suffers from slowdown issues when using AoE spells (web, cloudkill ect) which is supposed to be fixed in the next update of which they are in the beta stage of. Although from the best of my knowledge you can play from start to end. (still would advise you to wait for patch)
Otherwise, getting an Ipad mini would mean that you could share your apps between phone and tablet.
(I wish my friend wasn't on holiday right now so I could borrow his Ipad 2 lol)
You'll find that if you want many features, the iPad is much more expensive. I don't know if it would run much well in it's minimum cost version. Then, if you liked FF8, then you might like things that don't work.
I checked out that Toughbook and it's too expensive, I also don't need it to be so sturdy because I would only use it on places like my job, my home, my car, & when doing laundry. The cheapest convertible PC I see in Amazon is a Lenovo IdeaPad Yoga 11 for $400, and in newegg is even more expensive.
So that is pretty much making me scratch off convertible from the list, so now is either the Ipad or another tablet. If I go the Android route it could be a long time before I can play any BG:EE games, but I could play other games in the meantime. I am going to give it some time, maybe Apple announces something about a new Ipad Mini or maybe the Android version of the games get a release date.
I also think the Ipad Mini can handle BG:EE fine and any emulator up to PSX/N64, which is what I would use it on. I got my gaming Rig at home for Crysis/Skyrim type of gaming.
You can customise your game and even have some basic modding without jailbreaking your Ipad, if you are so inclined, check the threads in this forum.
I saw the mods that work on the iPad and none of them catch my attention, BG was a game I never saw the need to mod. That's just me.
* If you are already an iPhone user, there is a really big draw to owning an iPad: Shared Applications. If you are already an iOS user, getting another iOS device is usually a better iDea (See what I did there?) than going to another platform. Apple makes adding devices to your iCosmos a no brainer.
* The windows convertible laptops are good for when you want more functionality from your device. That said, a bluetooth keyboard and a 10" ipad = Convertable Laptop. So long as you're not married to a specific set of applications (Word, Outlook, etc.) I've never found any functionality I could NOT re-produce on my iPad that I could do on a portable PC.
* If you are buying the device SOULEY to play BG:EE on, it really doesn't matter which you go with...both will give you a reasonable experience. At this point I would look at what ELSE you intend to do with the device before spending your money. The best advice I will give you is this: Before you look at budget, look at functionality. If you're spending $300 for an iPad Mini and an extra $100 would give you something that provides you a huge amount more needed functionality, wait, save the $100, and buy what will last you and do what you need instead of buying now.
* There is nothing about BG:EE on the iPad that is game breaking. I have completed an entire playthrough from top to bottom, all functionality, all quests, all features on the iPad. I was, at no point, ever stopped in my game play. I did run into a couple bugs but never was "unable" to complete the game. Despite all the "unplayable" you're reading on these forums, the game is far from that...
* If you prefer the Android devices, you will be waiting. How long is anyone's guess. And there has been absolutely NOTHING released denoting which app stores will carry the game for Android devices. Given you are already an apple user and given that android is pretty ephemeral right now, I would NOT recommend looking at the Kindle Fire as your BG:EE Device. YMMV.
* I LOVE my iPad. I own a full sized version and personally would not consider the Mini...I think it's too small. That said, there are some great advantages to playing with a full windows laptop. Still, tablets exist for a reason. 5.1lbs sounds pretty light and the durability / portability is great, but it's still a laptop, it's not 1.X lbs, it's not .75" thin.
Seriously, don't pick up a portable device because you want to play BG:EE. Pick up a portable device because you have a use for a portable device, and use "BG:EE" as a minimum requirement for what to get. With technology, $$$ does seem to equal Functionality. Don't cheap out and then regret spending $300 when $400 would have gotten you something much better. No matter how much you spend, spending money on a throwaway item that doesn't do EVERYTHING you need it to do is expensive and a waste.