Dual-Class/Multiclass Hit Die System

I tried to post this question in the Ask Us Anything thread, but got no answer yet, so I thought I would try my luck here, and at the same time go into a little bit more detail.
While playing the beta with dual-class and multiclass characters, I have detected some anomalies in the HD (hit die) system. They are as follows:
The original two-classed multiclass HP formula on levelup has been:
((the HD of the leveling up class + respective CON bonus) / 2)
The new two-classed multiclass formula seems to be:
((the HD of the leveling up class + respective CON bonus + the HD of the other class + respective CON bonus) / 4)
The problem with the latter approach seems to be that whenever I level up with my character with both my classes on normal difficulty (to get max HP) I get one addition HP compared to what I get when I level up with each class separately. So when I level up as a fighter I get 5 HP, when I level up as a mage I get another 5 HP, but if I decide to wait it out and level up with both at the same time I get 11 HP. I don't think that's a good approach.
That's enough about multiclass, let me now move on to dual-class characters. This will be more difficult for me to describe, because even after testing it out for a while I can't seem to wrap my mind around the behavior I'm seeing - it makes no sense to me. Let me use an example:
I started a human thief with 18 CON. I leveled her up in normal mode (max HP on levelup) to level 6, gaining 8 HP per level (6 from HD + 2 from CON) up to a total of 48.
This is where it gets... strange. I dual-classed her into fighter, and suddenly, her max HP was lowered from 48 to 20. I have no idea why this happened, in the original game (and in AD&D 2nd Ed) dual-class class characters preserve their original HP total until they regain their inactive class levels.
Now, as she gained her levels as a fighter, up to level 6 she gained no HP on levelup. This is normal. But after regaining her thief levels, strangeness hit again. When leveling up to level 7, instead of gaining 14 HP (10 from fighter HD + 4 from CON), she gained 12 HP. According to her record screen, this is accurate: it states that she gains 8 HP from her class level, and 4 from CON. But why the unexpected drop there? Fighters are supposed to get d10, not d8. I don't get it.
So, that's my experience in a nutshell. I guess my reason for writing this is to bring these anomalies to you guys' attention in the development team, and I hope they get corrected. I'm not sure if the multiclass HD system is intentional or not (but even if it is, it should be revised in my opinion), but the dual-class HD system definitely seems glitched.
While playing the beta with dual-class and multiclass characters, I have detected some anomalies in the HD (hit die) system. They are as follows:
The original two-classed multiclass HP formula on levelup has been:
((the HD of the leveling up class + respective CON bonus) / 2)
The new two-classed multiclass formula seems to be:
((the HD of the leveling up class + respective CON bonus + the HD of the other class + respective CON bonus) / 4)
The problem with the latter approach seems to be that whenever I level up with my character with both my classes on normal difficulty (to get max HP) I get one addition HP compared to what I get when I level up with each class separately. So when I level up as a fighter I get 5 HP, when I level up as a mage I get another 5 HP, but if I decide to wait it out and level up with both at the same time I get 11 HP. I don't think that's a good approach.
That's enough about multiclass, let me now move on to dual-class characters. This will be more difficult for me to describe, because even after testing it out for a while I can't seem to wrap my mind around the behavior I'm seeing - it makes no sense to me. Let me use an example:
I started a human thief with 18 CON. I leveled her up in normal mode (max HP on levelup) to level 6, gaining 8 HP per level (6 from HD + 2 from CON) up to a total of 48.
This is where it gets... strange. I dual-classed her into fighter, and suddenly, her max HP was lowered from 48 to 20. I have no idea why this happened, in the original game (and in AD&D 2nd Ed) dual-class class characters preserve their original HP total until they regain their inactive class levels.
Now, as she gained her levels as a fighter, up to level 6 she gained no HP on levelup. This is normal. But after regaining her thief levels, strangeness hit again. When leveling up to level 7, instead of gaining 14 HP (10 from fighter HD + 4 from CON), she gained 12 HP. According to her record screen, this is accurate: it states that she gains 8 HP from her class level, and 4 from CON. But why the unexpected drop there? Fighters are supposed to get d10, not d8. I don't get it.
So, that's my experience in a nutshell. I guess my reason for writing this is to bring these anomalies to you guys' attention in the development team, and I hope they get corrected. I'm not sure if the multiclass HD system is intentional or not (but even if it is, it should be revised in my opinion), but the dual-class HD system definitely seems glitched.
1) Create Fighter/Mage, starts with 7 hit points
2) Set exp to 4000 exp to gain Fighter level, +3 hp - > 10 hit points
3) Set exp to 5000 exp to gain Mage level, +3 hp - > 13 hit points
4) Create Fighter/Mage, starts with 7 hit points
5) Set exp to 5000 exp to gain Figther and Mage level at the same time, +7 hp - > 14 hit points
6) Both characters should have same, 14 hit points
@Dee Could this be added to the bug tracker unless it's already there?
1) Create Human Thief, starts with 6 hit points
2) Set exp to 20000 exp to gain level 6 Thief, 6*5 = +30hp - > 36 hit points
3) Dual class to Fighter, no change -> 36 hit points
4) Set exp to 64000 exp to gain level 7 Fighter / 6 Thief, +8 hp - > 44 hit points
5) Fighters gain +10 hp per leve, should be 46 hit points
These two examples are with 14 constitution i.e. no bonus.
@Dee I summon you!
Sometimes the Mac build gets partially updated, this happened with the previous update as well.
Is it possible to have a notification when Mac version gets fully updated? Maybe a post in the 'Update List' thread? This would help Mac users follow the conversation, especially when we get so frequent updates.
(A little clarification - i'm talking only about the Charname, NPCs seem to have the description right.)
The Example in my case is - Bounty Hunter dual classing to Mage at level 6.