Multiple Rasaad Bug

Not sure if anyone has reported this yet. None of my searches have found it.
Here is the bug.
1. I met Rasaad for the first time AFTER completing the Nashkel mines.
2. Nimbul attacked me.
3. Rasaad helped me kill Nimbul.
4. Rasaad approached me and asked to join my party afterwards.
5. While still in Nashkel, I removed Rasaad from my party.
6. Rasaad left the party.
7. One copy of Rasaad reappeared in the original location. A second copy of Rasaad then generated and approached me.
8. Steps 4-7 repeated several times, generating several Rasaads. The only way to end the cycle was to tell Rasaad "...I have no time for proverbs. "

This error occurred whether I rejected Rasaad in the reform party window or when I kicked him out of my party after joining.
[On a different note, why does Rasaad help you kill Nimbul but does not help you kill Neira?]
Here is the bug.
1. I met Rasaad for the first time AFTER completing the Nashkel mines.
2. Nimbul attacked me.
3. Rasaad helped me kill Nimbul.
4. Rasaad approached me and asked to join my party afterwards.
5. While still in Nashkel, I removed Rasaad from my party.
6. Rasaad left the party.
7. One copy of Rasaad reappeared in the original location. A second copy of Rasaad then generated and approached me.
8. Steps 4-7 repeated several times, generating several Rasaads. The only way to end the cycle was to tell Rasaad "...I have no time for proverbs. "

This error occurred whether I rejected Rasaad in the reform party window or when I kicked him out of my party after joining.
[On a different note, why does Rasaad help you kill Nimbul but does not help you kill Neira?]
Post edited by Silence on
Reported: #6629
Good catch though!
I have reported this elsewhere but there is another (possibly related) problem with Rasaad. When I recruit him in Nashkel and then kick him out right afterwards, He keeps initiating dialogue and asking to rejoin. If the response is No, it's ok but if I say Yes, he acts as if I kicked him out again.
You can clear up this problem with some fire res scrolls potions and no rep hit... just read the tomb and then run over here then have them burst into flame... when you meet Rashad in BG 2 you can say, "What I arranged for you and all your clones to be killed by the Nashkell Gurds who thought it wise to attack exploding Phonex guards after I ran away and hid behind you then used my invisibility ring- I saw you and your clones all charred dead... why are you here in this tavern drinking with Korgan?" Rashad, " The light of Sune healed me when the dawn came up and my charred bones were pooped upon by some cheerful golden chicks who were pecking out the flys covering my bacon cooked hamhocks...."