Enemy AI in BG2:EE

I can't remember if you said changing/improving the enemy AI was possible or not but am wondering if you did improve it or are planning on it. Two areas I would like to see changes are the off-screen exploit stuff and enemy casters.
The first thing I would like to see changed is that the enemy react to cheesy spells cast outside of LOS. Icewind Dale II handled this pretty well as any attack would pull all enemies in a certain radius. No system can be perfect realistic but enemies just standing in a cloudkill or not reacting to multiple fireballs is a bit ridiculous.
Secondly, if not anything else please change enemy mages spell lists or something. Every enemy mage encounter should not be the same spells every time...confusion, chaos, dire charm or lightning bolt. My suggestion is to randomize the spell list or pick other spells. I would rather get hit by fireballs, stinking clouds or the multitude of other spells at your disposal. I don't expect changes to Liches...let them be their cheesy selves.
Lastly, can we get some updated character scripts that are worth something. The standard attack script is great ad all but how about something that uses character abilities/ items and such. It would be great to give the ring of the ram to someone and just have them use the damn thing while I am positioning my thief for the perfect backstab.
That said...looking forward to BG2:EE.
The first thing I would like to see changed is that the enemy react to cheesy spells cast outside of LOS. Icewind Dale II handled this pretty well as any attack would pull all enemies in a certain radius. No system can be perfect realistic but enemies just standing in a cloudkill or not reacting to multiple fireballs is a bit ridiculous.
Secondly, if not anything else please change enemy mages spell lists or something. Every enemy mage encounter should not be the same spells every time...confusion, chaos, dire charm or lightning bolt. My suggestion is to randomize the spell list or pick other spells. I would rather get hit by fireballs, stinking clouds or the multitude of other spells at your disposal. I don't expect changes to Liches...let them be their cheesy selves.
Lastly, can we get some updated character scripts that are worth something. The standard attack script is great ad all but how about something that uses character abilities/ items and such. It would be great to give the ring of the ram to someone and just have them use the damn thing while I am positioning my thief for the perfect backstab.
That said...looking forward to BG2:EE.