Make easy to buy Beamdog products

Hi, this request is very pratical indeed, what i want is a easier way to brought Beamdog products.
To buy the pre-order i had to stay 1hour in my bank today scheduling the use of international functions of my credit card, i already spoke with my account manager and there gonna be additional fees over the purchase based on dollar variance.
Can't Beamdog negotiate a representative brazilian bank to make the sales here? Or open an legal entity to open a top domain .br to make those sells? Even if cost more that could allow many others means of pay, as direct debit, bank bill and others.
I believe that in fact many ppl here would like this for their respective countries. I say this cos, if i have to spend 1 hour to make international purchases or pay a huge tax for each micro purchase i make i will just give up any purchase that's not a game itself (no DLCs).
To buy the pre-order i had to stay 1hour in my bank today scheduling the use of international functions of my credit card, i already spoke with my account manager and there gonna be additional fees over the purchase based on dollar variance.
Can't Beamdog negotiate a representative brazilian bank to make the sales here? Or open an legal entity to open a top domain .br to make those sells? Even if cost more that could allow many others means of pay, as direct debit, bank bill and others.
I believe that in fact many ppl here would like this for their respective countries. I say this cos, if i have to spend 1 hour to make international purchases or pay a huge tax for each micro purchase i make i will just give up any purchase that's not a game itself (no DLCs).
And that's not all. Paypal is also known for removing accounts if they consider those accounts breach their policy. One day, Paypal decided that 18+ sites aren't part of their policy, and revoked all accounts related to 18+ sites. Guess where the money on those accounts ended up.
Stay clear of Paypal if you can.
Dudes & Dudetts.. c´mon. nothing in this world is safe....