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Problem with multiplayer.

LucerineLucerine Member Posts: 2
Hello! I've tried looking around for information on this particular issue, but I haven't had much luck aside from a brief mention of it in the patch notes. I have started up two games with my fiance' hosting. It works very well aside from minor bugs, with one problem: Occasionally our game drops. Not too bad, just load it back up, right? But all the characters are now under my name, and not his. We can't change them, and the game doesn't recognize him as being present, nor will it let me log back into the session (It tells me a person with my name is already playing). This makes us unable to load our game and continue. Is there any sort of fix for this?

He and I both play on the Steam version, v1.0.2014. We don't use Hamachi or anything else; just the direct IP connect offered through the game. Any help would be appreciated!


  • lucen15lucen15 Member Posts: 7
    edited October 2013
    that is a very intriguing problem, i have no idea how to approach it as i only have one computer up and running at the moment, when my cousin and i were playing it we were using hamachi and we barely ran into any issues at all so that is what i would suggest. Good luck :)
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,025
    are you having IP address issues? for whatever reason if your IP addresses start shifting around, that could cause that problem, I use the 192.168.blah blah IP ( which im pretty sure is for IPs that share the same internet) when I use the command prompt program and type in - ipconfig - it gives me 3 options, try all of those and see what happens ( if it even gives you 3 that is) I played a multiplayer game with my brother twice, and the first time it said he couldn't log on, so he went back a page, and tried again and boom, no problems after that ever again sort of deal
  • LucerineLucerine Member Posts: 2
    An update! It seems that simply waiting a day solved it. We managed to reload the game and continue just fine. Not sure what we did differently.
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