Dragon Disciple Breath + Cloud Peaks = Freeze.

Got an odd one. This is my first time doing Rasaad's quest, so I'm not sure if this is a new bug or an old bug.
Using my PC Dragon Disciple's breath weapon against the Dark Moon initiates that attack the party after the conversation with Gamaz causes my game to freeze, forcing me to ctrl+alt+delete to get out of it. Further testing revealed that hitting my own party with the breath weapon also freezes the game, but firing it off into nothingness does not. I haven't tested it against common trolls or wolves yet. Seems like the problem arises when the attack actually connects, specifically in Cloud Peaks. I've been using the ability frequently, and this is my first crash because of it.
I'll test it further as I progress to see if anything else triggers a freeze.
Using my PC Dragon Disciple's breath weapon against the Dark Moon initiates that attack the party after the conversation with Gamaz causes my game to freeze, forcing me to ctrl+alt+delete to get out of it. Further testing revealed that hitting my own party with the breath weapon also freezes the game, but firing it off into nothingness does not. I haven't tested it against common trolls or wolves yet. Seems like the problem arises when the attack actually connects, specifically in Cloud Peaks. I've been using the ability frequently, and this is my first crash because of it.
I'll test it further as I progress to see if anything else triggers a freeze.
Also, just finished the quest (pretty sweet btw), and the breath weapon works properly again on Nashkel's civilians =P
[edit] - yesterdays build
I can upload some files as soon as I'm told the proper way to do so.
EDIT: can someone try to replicate this:
1. start a new game with a dragon disciple
1.b if the character doesn't have dragon breath yet (i.e. is below lvl 3), CLUAConsole for 5000 xp and level up.
2. enter the inn, do not move after entering.
3. select the dragon breath ability and target the closest monk
4. the game will crash when the visual effect reaches firebead elvenhair
It seems to crash when the visual effect reaches a target (not the first?) under certain conditions.
Not sure if this helps, but I think this might have been introduced in one of the part 2/part 3 updates to the beta. I've been using my Dragon Disciple and Rasaad's abilities extensively, and only started crashing the game with them yesterday.
As an aside, there is another bug uncovered by this: the error window is below (layerwise) the game and impossible to alt-tab to and click, forcing a task manager quit.