Reporting this journal glitch again (easy to test)

I'm reporting it again cause I checked the bug section and it's not in the list... Also, I have not seen anything about fixing or acknowledgement (hey, again, better be safe then sorry!). (Oh, by the way, yippi, we're in Phase 3 already!).
It happens when: Be in chapter 1 (or 2), for example, with some quests to fill... Then open some of them to make sure you have multiple pages of text... Go down, to the bottom if needs be, then change chapter... (Return to chapter 0, for example). You will see either nothing or just the last few lines of "Important event".
How to fix: Well, when changing chapter just... go to the top? It would be the easiest way to do it! (But hey, I do not program this game, so don't be too hard on me!).
It happens when: Be in chapter 1 (or 2), for example, with some quests to fill... Then open some of them to make sure you have multiple pages of text... Go down, to the bottom if needs be, then change chapter... (Return to chapter 0, for example). You will see either nothing or just the last few lines of "Important event".
How to fix: Well, when changing chapter just... go to the top? It would be the easiest way to do it! (But hey, I do not program this game, so don't be too hard on me!).