NPC glitch, neutral good CHARNAME and Montaron

Since the Phase 3 update, Montaron (and thus Xzar) wants to leave me when I talk to him, besides being Reputation 12 (Average), which is still far enough from the "NPC leaves the party" threshold for being too good.
Talking to Xzar using the "talk to" action does not trigger the leave.
Attached is a save for analyzation and replication. Use the "talk to" action to trigger the leave.
The first zip is the last save of Phase2, Part 3 while the other is the first I did manually after Phase3.
Talking to Xzar using the "talk to" action does not trigger the leave.
Attached is a save for analyzation and replication. Use the "talk to" action to trigger the leave.
The first zip is the last save of Phase2, Part 3 while the other is the first I did manually after Phase3.
Montaron should not leave the party when talked to by a character of reputation 11.
1. Start a game with Abdel
2. C:MoveToArea("AR2700"), then C:ExploreArea(), then go to meet Xzar and Montaron around x=4541, y=2687
3. Talk to Xzar and choose dialogue options 1 and then 1 again: Xzar and Montaron are now part of your party.
4. Talk to Montaron, who answers "And good riddance to yer bad rubbish! I suggest ye sleep with one eye open from now on. Come wizard! I'll not miss yer inevitable deah by leavin' ye behind!", and then he and Xzar leaves the party.
Note: Montaron does not leave if the character has a reputation of 10.
This is with the latest update installed at the time of writing, on MacOS.