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Kensai/Swashbuckler Build?

Alright, so I'm making a new character in preparation for BGII:EE, (or whatever the proper order is) and I was wondering... What's the best order to be doing this particular combo? Obviously, I wouldn't be D/Cing until well into BGII, but where is the best way to start? It seems best to start with Kensai, but if a thief carries over the Use All Items ability (at 3.08 mil. experience in BGII), then would it be better to start with the thief? Or is it still better to go with Kensai into Swashbuckler because it's faster/easier to pass the previous class' level to get the bonuses? Thanks in advance for the help!
(And I wouldn't say no to level advice for when to D/C in BGII:EE either, for either way I make said character.)


  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964
    without mods or shadowkeeper you can't dual class from kit to kit. Only from Kit to Vanilla class. So you can Swashbuckler -> Fighter or Kensai -> Thief
  • PibaroPibaro Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 2,989
    Do you know that you can't dual class into a kit without a massive use of eekeeper?
  • Magical_TrevorMagical_Trevor Member Posts: 57
    edited October 2013
    @smeagolheart and @Pibaro ... Huh... I could have sworn that being able to D/C from one kit into another was a part of what EE was doing. Maybe I just mixed it up with being able to choose a kit period?
  • CorvinoCorvino Member Posts: 2,269
    The new patch will changed some hardcoded elements meaning that mods can allow dual classing to kits, non-humans to dual and humans to multiclass, but unmodded the restrictions stand.

    Regardless, Kensais tend to dual at 9 (for HP, THAC0 and grandmastery) or 13 (for an extra 1/2 attack per round). You'll get your levels back pretty quickly with a dual at 9, and mid-to-late SoA with a dual at 13.
  • Magical_TrevorMagical_Trevor Member Posts: 57
    @Corvino I'm going to sound stupid, but I'm actually relatively new to mods. I only just found out about them when a friend told me about A Tale of Two Wastelands. (Combines Fallout 3 and New Vegas, where you can travel back and forth.)

    Is the new patch for both BG:EE AND BGII:EE, or... Because I forgot that only humans can Duel-Class. I haven't made the character yet, because I'm still thinking of a name, but if it will be implemented soon, then I should make the character anyway, as it won't matter until BGII:EE, and I won't be able to buy that until after Christmas. (Funds and freetime are tight atm.)
  • MikeMastersMikeMasters Member Posts: 141
    @magical_trevor the new patch is for BG:EE however BG2:EE will use the same engine so will have the same bug fixes and also the same previously hardcoded stuff will be editable now
  • Magical_TrevorMagical_Trevor Member Posts: 57
    @MikeMasters Awesome, thanks a lot! Can't wait for the patch then, and I guess I should go ahead and make my fighter then! Now I just have to decide gender and name... Tempted to go with 'Boo' for the lulz, but then if I want lulz, Sephiroth would make for good lulz too. Or a number of other references...
  • MikeMastersMikeMasters Member Posts: 141
    @magical_trevor have you considered using something like an elf name generator? for example allows you to enter your real name and it will translate it to elvish, i think ive seen this for other races also. Kind of makes the character a little more personal
  • CorvinoCorvino Member Posts: 2,269
    If you want a general-purpose fighter with perks then Berserkers are good. The only downside is they can only get proficient with ranged weapons. Not a huge downside as melee gets better as you level up. Berserkers also get tasty immunities whilst enraged. Duals are at the same levels as Kensais.

    As for names, is an interesting resource. You can choose, for example "male" and "norse names" or "celtic names" and get a list of names with translations. Turns out Gandalf means "Elf with a wand", who knew?
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