Update List

This thread will catalogue the changes made to the beta build as we go forward. It's a lot easier than keeping separate threads for each one.
Latest Update: 10-21-2013
Post edited by Dee on
This discussion has been closed.
Bug Fixes: New Features:6124: Mage and Druid kit colors
All mage and druid kits now have their own unique default colors. We did our best not to make the Wild Mage too wild.932: "This spell is already in your spellbook."
Spell scrolls will now be highlighted in green if the currently selected mage already has that spell in their spellbook. A message is displayed at the top of the item's description, and the "Write Magic" button is greyed out. (At the moment the "Write Magic" button can still be clicked, but that should be fixed soon.)1533: Spell Memorization
During character creation with a spellcaster, players can now elect to memorize a given spell more than once by left-clicking on it multiple times; right-clicking removes a single memorization.The number of memorizations will be displayed in the corner of the spell's icon in orange. It will not be displayed until the number is greater than 1.
6348: Shadowdancer Tweak
A few changes have been made to the Shadowdancer kit to make it better fit its intended role. Here is its updated kit description (changes are highlighted in green): Localization:The following translations are in beta, but they're available now where they weren't before.
- Korean
- Chinese
Bug Fixes:
Bug Fixes:
New Enhancements
The following is a major enhancement to the way custom portraits are handled:Custom Portraits
When creating a character or customizing an existing one, you can now select a single portrait instead of having to select a large and a small one. For the modders out there, this should make portrait packs a lot easier to implement. Here's a totally awesome screenshot:You can still choose an "alternate" portrait to display on the Gameplay screen, but you no longer have to. This also means that you can use larger images (up to 1024 pixels on a side) and use them in-game; they'll resize themselves automatically to fit the frame.
Note that these images aren't cropped (at least for the moment), they're simply resized; if your portrait is a square, it will still be a rectangle and it'll look funny. For best results, use some multiple of 210x330. Anything larger than 1024 will crash the game, at least for now.
As an added bonus, you can also now navigate the portraits with the up and down arrow keys.
Bug Fixes: