list 2nd edition kits?
Member Posts: 10
question: if baldur's gate is based on 2n edition ruleset i'm guessing that kits are also from there, or were they created specifically for BG? is there a list of all possible kits?
question: if baldur's gate is based on 2n edition ruleset i'm guessing that kits are also from there, or were they created specifically for BG? is there a list of all possible kits?
2nd edition alternative classes
Sourcebook; Classes
Arabian Adventures; Sha' ir
Birthright campaign setting; Magician (primary box set), Guilder (Havens of the Great Bay expansion)
Celts Campaign Sourcebook ;Manteis
Chronomancer; Chronomancer, Temporal Champion, Temporal Raider
Cult of the Dragon; Incantatrix
Dark Sun Campaign Setting; Defiler, Elemental Cleric, Gladiator, Para-elemental Cleric, Templar, Trader
Domains of Dread; Anchorite, Arcanist, Avenger, Gypsy
Faith and Avatars; Crusader, Monk, Mystic, Shaman
Legends and Lore; Ascetic, Pious Knight
Shaman; Solitary Shaman, Spiritualist, Tribal Shaman
Skills & Powers; Alchemist, Geometer, Shadow Mage, Song Wizard
Spells & Magic ;Artificer, Crusader, Dimensionalist, Force Mage, Mentalist, Monk, Shaman
The Complete Barbarian’s Handbook; Barbarian Fighter, Shaman
The Complete Druid’s Handbook; Arctic Druid, Desert Druid, Gray Druid, Jungle Druid, Mountain Druid, Plains Druid, Swamp Druid
The Complete Ninja’s Handbook; Ninja (Spy/Killer)
The Complete Psionicist’s Handbook; Psionicist
The Complete Sha’ir’s Handbook; Elemental Mage, Sha’ir, Sorcerer
Tome of Magic; Elementalist, Wild Mage
Vikings Campaign Sourcebook; Berserker, Runecaster
Giantcraft; Runecaster
Masque of the Red Death Sourcebook; Adept, Soldier, Mystic, Tradesman
The Scarlet Brotherhood; Assassin, Monk
2nd edition kits
Sourcebook; Kits
Age of Heroes Campaign Sourcebook; Companion, Hero, Hoplite
Arabian Adventures; Askar, Barber, Beggar-Thief, Cleric of the Faith Pragmatic, Cleric of the Faith Ethical, Cleric of the Faith Moral, Corsair, Desert Rider, Elemental Wizard, Faris, Hakima, Holy Slayer, Kahin, Mamluk, Matrud, Mercenary Barbarian, Merchant-Rogue, Mystic, Rawun, Sa’luk
Chronomancer; Guide, Historian, Seer, Traveler
City of Gold; Clown, Fetishist, Trader, Hunter, Azupozi Healer, Bent Priest, Pueblo Priest, Sunwatcher
Defilers and Preservers - The Wizard of Athas; Advanced Being, Arena Wizard, Cerulean, Chasseur, Earth Defender, Exterminator, Free Wizard, Illusionist, Mercenary, Restorationist, Shadow Wizard, Tribal Wizard, Necromancer
Diablo II: The Awakening; Amazon, Barbarian, Necromancer, Paladin, Sorcerer
Elves of Evermeet; Elven Knight, High Mage, Skinwalker, Totem-sister, Unicorn Rider
Jakandor - Isle of Destiny; Artificer, Finder, Galvanist, Porter, Render, Sandman, Shadow Mage, Warden, Dilletante, Bandit, Chirurgeon, Companion, Guildsman, Scribe, Cultist, Jurist, Pantheist, Philosopher, Thanhotepic, Guardian
Masque of the Red Death; Cavalryman, Charlatan, Dandy, Detective, Explorer/Scout, Journalist, Labourer, Medium, Metaphysician, Parson, Physician, Qabalist, Sailor, Scholar, Shaman, Spiritualist
Player's Option: Skills & Powers; Acrobat, Amazon, Animal Master, Assassin, Barbarian, Beggar, Cavalier, Diplomat, Explorer, Gladiator, Jester, Mariner, Merchant, Mystic, Noble, Outlaw, Peasant Hero, Pirate, Pugilist, Rider, Savage, Scholar, Scout, Sharpshooter, Soldier, Smugger, Spy, Swashbuckler, Thug, Weapon Master
The Complete Barbarian’s Handbook; Brushrunner, Brute, Dreamwalker, Flamespeaker, Forest Lord, Islander, Medicine Man, Plainsrider, Ravager, Seer, Spiritist, Witchman, Wizard Slayer
The Complete Bard’s Handbook; Blade, Charlatan, Gypsy-bard, Herald, Jester, Jongleur, Loremaster, Meistersinger, Riddlemaster, Skald, Thespian
The Complete Book of Dwarves; Animal Master, Axe For Hire, Battlerager, Champion, Clansdwarf, Crafts Priest, Diplomat, Entertainer, Ghetto Fighter, Hearth Guard, Highborn, Locksmith, Outcast, Pariah, Patrician, Pest Controller, Rapid Response Rider, Ritual Priest, Sharpshooter, Temple Guard, Trader, Vermin Slayer, Vindicator, Wayfinder
The Complete Book of Elves; Archer, Bladesinger, Collector, Elven Minstrel, Herbalist, Huntsman, Infiltrator, Spellfilcher, Undead Slayer, War Wizard, Wilderness Runner, Windrider
The Complete Book of Gnomes & Halflings; Bandit, Bilker, Breachgnome, Buffoon, Burglar, Cartographer, Forestwalker, Goblinsticker, Healer, Homesteader, Imagemaker, Leaftender, Mercenary, Mouseburglar, Oracle, Rocktender, Sheriff, Smuggler, Squire, Stalker, The Archer, Trader, Traveler, Treetender, Tumbler, Tunnelrat, Urchin, Vanisher
The Complete Book of Humanoids; Hedge wizard, Humanoid Bard, Humanoid Scholar, Mine Rowdy, Oracle, Outlaw Mage, Pit Fighter, Saurial Paladin, Scavenger, Spellsword, Shadow Shaman, Tramp, Tribal Defender, Tunnel Rat, Wandering Mystic, War Priest, Wilderness Protector, Witch Doctor
The Complete Book of Necromancers; Archetypal Necromancer, Anatomist, Deathslayer, Philosopher, Undead Master
The Complete Druid's Handbook; Adviser, Avenger, Beastfriend, Guardian, Hivemaster, Lost Druid, Natural Philosopher, Outlaw, Pacifist, Savage, Shapeshifter, Totemic Druid, Village Druid, Wanderer
The Complete Fighter's Handbook; Amazon, Barbarian, Beast-Rider, Berserker, Cavalier, Gladiator, Myrmidon, Noble Warrior, Peasant Hero, Pirate/Outlaw, Samurai, Savage, Swashbuckler
The Complete Gladiator’s Handbook; Arena Champion, Beast Trainer, Blind fighter, Convict, Gladiatorial Slave, Jazst, Montare, Professional Gladiator, Reaver
The Complete Ninja’s Handbook; Consort, Eliminator, Intruder, Lone Wolf, Pathfinder, Punisher, Ravager, Shadow Warrior, Shinobi Bard, Shinobi Fighter, Shinobi Illusionist, Shinobi Mage, Shinobi Priest, Shinobi Ranger, Shinobi Thief, Spirit Warrior, Stealer-In
The Complete Paladin’s Handbook; Chevalier, Divinate, Envoy, Equerry, Errant, Expatriate, Ghosthunter, Inquisitor, Medician, Militarist, Skyrider, Squire, Votary
The Complete Priest's Handbook; Amazon Priestess, Barbarian/Berserker Priest, Fighting-Monk, Nobleman Priest, Outlaw Priest, Pacifist Priest, Peasant Priest, Prophet Priest, Savage Priest, Scholar Priest
The Complete Ranger’s Handbook; Beastmaster, Explorer, Falconer, Feralan, Forest Runner, Giant Killer, Greenwood Ranger, Guardian, Justifier, Mountain Man, Pathfinder, Sea Ranger, Seeker, Shinobi Ranger, Stalker, Warden
The Complete Sha’ir’s Handbook; Astrologer, Clockwork Mage, Digitalogist, Ghul Lord, Jackal, Mageweaver, Mystic of Nog, Spellslayer
The Complete Spacefarer’s Handbook; Aperusa, Arcanist, Astrologer, Astronomer, Corsair, Courier, Crusader, Diplomat, Evangelist, Frontiersman, Geomancer, Harlequin, Impostor, Marine, Medicus, Merchant, Missionary, Privateer, Salvager, War Mage
The Complete Thief's Handbook; Acrobat, Adventurer, Assassin, Bandit, Beggar, Bounty Hunter, Buccaneer, Burglar, Cutpurse, Fence, Investigator, Scout, Smuggler, Spy, Swashbuckler, Swindler, Thug, Troubleshooter
The Complete Wizard's Handbook; Academician, Amazon Sorceress, Anagakok, Militant, Wizard, Mystic, Patrician, Peasant Wizard, Savage Wizard, Witch, Wu Jen
The Glory of Rome Campaign Sourcebook; Charioteer, Charlatan-Thief, Christian Priest, Gladiator, Military Tribune, Mithraic Priest, Philosopher-Mage, Priest of the Mysteries, Priest of the State Religion, Roman Legionary, Roman Politician, Roman Witch, Street Fighter
The Planewalker's Handbook; Planewalker Warrior, Planewalker Wizard, Planewalker Priest, Planewalker Rogue, Abyssal Warrior, Floating Sorcerer, Hinterland Bandit
The Will and the Way; Auditor, Beastmaster, Mercenary Psionicist, Noble Psionicist, Psionicist, Sensei, Tribal Psionicist
The kits introduced by BG:EE (Shadowdancer, Dragon Disciple, Dwarven Defender, Dark Moon/Sun Soul Monk) are based on 3rd edition D&D Prestige Classes.
The Monk, Barbarian and Sorcerer classes are also adapted from their 3rd ed counterparts.
The Sorcerer kit is from the Netheriel FR campaign supplement.
The Warlock is from Sages and Specialists (basically a sorcerer, except it uses a spell point system like a psionic class does, instead of having a set number of casts per level per day. A spell costs 1 point per spell level, +1 for each level over base effect you want to cast it at (so a fireball would cost 3 for a 1d6 fireball, but casting it at maximum power (10d6) would cost a total of 12). Can't spend more points on a single spell then you have levels, which means a warlock couldn't cast a 10d6 fireball until 12. Can only know 4 spells per spell level at a time, but can freely forget and learn new ones from scrolls whenever. 5% chance per level, every time they rest to recover spell points of being enslaved by an extra-planar being and forced to carry out a request for them, doesn't apply while they're under contract but they can only regain spell points if they were working towards completing their assigned mission).
Wild Mage and Elementalist are from Tome of Magic.
Hathran, Red Wizard, and a couple others are from Spellbound.