Final Save Multiplayer Bug

Found an interesting bug while messing around. Since I applied to the beta with both my desktop and laptop specs, I've kind of been testing on both machines (since I have my laptop off to the side of my desktop) by playing a pseudo-multiplayer game. What I mean by that is that my laptop is connected to the game, but all characters are assigned to the desktop, so essentially my laptop is in the game as a spectator. Anyway, just for the hell of it, I tried loading the final save, and an interesting thing happened after exiting the character arbitration screen: the host (my desktop) gets booted to the opening menu, but the client (my laptop) remains in the game. To confirm that the game is still being hosted by the desktop, I went through the menus to start a new multiplayer session, and that is when my laptop gets booted out. I've also confirmed that this happens if the client is assigned a character. I know this is a pretty trivial issue, but I wasn't sure if you were aware of it.