The new UI for BG:EE

Assuming that the GUI is the same for othe rplatforms as it appears to be for the iPad, what do we think of the new GUI?
This one shows in detail the new 'stone' motif for the GUI

And here more detail of the LHS utility bar (with a couple of new icons...)

And more of the same, but clearly showing the spacing of the bottom bar
This one shows in detail the new 'stone' motif for the GUI

And here more detail of the LHS utility bar (with a couple of new icons...)

And more of the same, but clearly showing the spacing of the bottom bar

Very attractive bluestone hue.
However I thought they were designing different UIs for different platforms? I know its hard to tell from screens but this looks just like the PC one
I hope the main menu, the journal, the spellbook, etc. will retain their backgrounds like BG1...
...instead of a embedded-looking interface like this:
Of course 'quests' and 'done quests' buttons should be kept.
though in new BG:EE there will be no loading screens at all.
@Ward => There's also a cinematic not used in the game but you can unlock it in the .ini if i'm not mystaken... It shows the interior of some Inn I think
You do get a little caption of it though so I can screenshot em' and show.
EDIT: Near Infinity also lets me have access to the original portrait files, in high quality resolution baby!
I haven't played Fallout but the video files for it and BG/IWD are called .MVE, some ancient video format obviously. There was a tool which turned them into .exe files to view but I can't find it.
This is really cool, have not seen it before. I need to find out how I can extract all these videos so I can put them on a DVD and watch them on my DVD player with ice cream and poppet butter corn.
P.S. I will put that unused art for you guys to see after I get permission from 'them'. I don't want to get put in the naughty corner. XD
NO LOAD SCREENS? That would be really good, except now we'll miss out on some artwork.
Not sure if this is blasphemy, but I HATED the BG2 UI. It just didn't have the same appeal as BG's stone type.
They are creating new movies to replace the original ones and new images for the dream sequences and chapter transitions.
As for the new UI, you can catch a glimpse of it on the baldursgate website if you check the iPad screens. The "battle" UI looks closer to the BG2 one than the BG1 one, so I'm not sure if you'll be happy with it.
I agree man, the BG1 UI had a rawness to it. BG2 was very draining and depressing, too fantasy and not artistically pleasing compared to the first. Just wasn't my taste really.
Honestly, the UI never bothered me one way or the other, so I'm perfectly fine with either look. Its not something I've ever had a strong opinion about.
Anyhow, there's still hope the bottom panel is fully customizable at least and we can always hide the useless LHS one on PC as in BG2.
I also wonder how many quick cast spells a mage gets? Or for that matter, a Thief/Cleric or Thief/Mage. And will it support to shove some unused things away (like hide, I almost never use hide on my Thief/Mage's) in favor of another quick-spell? I loved IWD2's approach to it all, where ya could set up pretty much your buttons however ya wished.
And how does it look if you try to cast a spell? Same old horrific long list? Matrix popup?