Party Member Selection & GUI Button to Select All Party Members - Broken? [Now Fixed 10/12/2013]

These broke for me when the new version of the Beta went in this evening (October 11, 2013) -- not so much the keys themselves but the functions that should be tied to them appears to be broken/non functional both in previous beta version saved games and in newly created games.
Post edited by Eiler on
Edit: By buttons I mean the party selection quick keys.
For some reason it does not work for me but I had reassigned the key that also maps to that 'function' to a custom key.
Maybe having customized those values is what broke it. It struck me as odd that the GUI button that can be clicked isn't working for me.
I will delete the beta from my system and then reinstall it to see if the defaults work and then see if customizing them breaks the function call...tomorrow (bedtime now).
And to me, keyboard party selection is integral to playing Baldur's Gate.
(It's not just the keyboard... I tried voice commands and my nostromo gamepad... doesn't work!)
I'm on a qwerty keyboard... So, all kind of keyboards are related!
Please fix this ASAP!
(And, just for the heck of it (and take it with a grain of salt) I'm outraged! just like that!
The problem is NOT the keys themselves but with the "Quick Slot" but only concerning characters selection... Weapon slots, item slots and spell slots work fine (tested them one after the other). The keyboard zoom is also out of service...
Joke aside, my weekend plans to play BGEE just got scrambled (just like eggs... The only difference? I like scrambled eggs... Scrambled weekends... not that much!).