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Starting a RP(Role Play) Game Looking for people, this will hopefully continue onto a BG2EE game

Random_MagicRandom_Magic Member Posts: 5
edited October 2013 in Multiplayer
We are looking to play Balders gate,

Classes/Roles we already have: A Fighter/Illusionist Gnome, and a Summoner/Conjurer Mage,

Time: Not yet decided, I am on a +10/11 Timezone and my friend is in USA -6 UTC

The game will be RP focused if possible we will RP though the whole campaign.

The start of the game will be decided once we get some people together and find out when people can play.

We will be using either Hamachi or Tungle, depending on what works with the people joining
Post edited by Random_Magic on


  • InlaaInlaa Member Posts: 4
    I'm the friend he's mentioned, the Fighter/Illusionist. As he said, we'd like to roleplay through the whole game if we can, and the bigger the group the better.
  • fujisanfujisan Member Posts: 34
    I will like to join! When are you thinking to start? My time zone is GMT+9 so not too far apart. I would like to play a shadow dancer. Will you be using hamachi?
  • Random_MagicRandom_Magic Member Posts: 5
    I just edited the post, we will use whatever the people joining are fine with, although it will properly be Hamachi, since it is more common, and sure, we do not have a theif type person so one would be greatly welcomed
  • alnairalnair Member Posts: 561
    You could also wait for the upcoming patch and play via, so you wouldn't need Hamachi.
  • Random_MagicRandom_Magic Member Posts: 5
    edited October 2013
    Yeah, both work just as well, Although it does not take all that much time to set up a hamachi game, so i suppose it wold not be that much trouble starting up a game before the patch.
    Post edited by Random_Magic on
  • squalltheonlysqualltheonly Member Posts: 40
    I would like to join. I have never played BG multiplayer, but I have always been curious about it.
    I have also never role played, but it interests me and I know how to follow directions. Seeing as there is not support caster, I would like to play a cleric.

    My time zone is GMT+5 and I am in East Coast US.
  • LiberelliLiberelli Member Posts: 170
    I'd like to join too. Havent found a nice RP group so far and it would be pretty awesome to actually do it properly (hopefully up to BG2 and not just upto nashkel mines :P). I'm on UTC-6 but i'd prefer to keep sessions in the weekend if possible.
    I'd prefer to play as a necromancer but i can roll a thief if theres no others around.
  • ValdemarValdemar Member Posts: 41
    edited October 2013
    I'll be your thief! I'd like to join as well. I'm Mountain Time and also use Hamachi; it's optimal for multiplayer until the patch. I can run a standard a Half-Orc Swashbuckler. Use Hamachi and you can have my +6 helm of kittens.
  • ValdemarValdemar Member Posts: 41
    edited October 2013
    I'll roll up a Dwarven Defender actually, sword (well axe) and board.
    Post edited by Valdemar on
  • Random_MagicRandom_Magic Member Posts: 5
    edited October 2013
    Ok all, there is one position left for the party, our classes so far a Conjurer Mage/Summoner Human, a Fighter-lllusionist multiclass gnome, Cleric Orc, a Theif/Shadowdancer Human or Elf, and a Dwarven Defender Of course being a dwarf
    Post edited by Random_Magic on
  • ValdemarValdemar Member Posts: 41
    I have a friend who could join. He is Itomon on Hamachi
  • ItomonItomon Member Posts: 187
    Hello there. Count me in if my agenda allows it. I work from 13pm to 23pm in my timezone (which is GMT -3) from monday to friday, everything else is avaliable.

    Suggestion: to start, use a savegame at friendly arm inn, just before (or just after) speaking with jaheria and Khalid for the first time. We could use "go to nashkel" as common plot just like Xan/Monty/Jaheria/Khalid. (alas, I'm quite bored of seeing Gorion dies)
  • Random_MagicRandom_Magic Member Posts: 5
    Ok, anyone that is able to, please send a message on the fourms what time you would be avilable on friday, from X to X, such as from 1pm to 6pm, because i want to try to organise a meeting between us all on steam so we can either start a game then, or organize a day and time to start our game
  • ValdemarValdemar Member Posts: 41
    Have we determined a time yet?
  • LiberelliLiberelli Member Posts: 170
    This will probly be the only friday i'm available but im ready to go right now, and should be good for the entire night. If not today i'll probly only be able to play on saturdays and sundays, but im usually open all day then.
  • ValdemarValdemar Member Posts: 41
    I'm ready to go right now and should be good for the entire night as well. :)
  • InlaaInlaa Member Posts: 4
    I'm not sure I'll be open the ENTIRE night, but I'm going to make darned tootin' sure that I funnel as much of my time toward the "available" category as possible.
  • Ithord_IronFistIthord_IronFist Member Posts: 2
    Hey I can usually get on between 6pm and 9pm Weekdays and just about anytime on the weekends. U.S Pacific Time. And I can hop in right now too.
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