Irenicus' Exile (Possible spoilers)

I'm curious to know how long Irenicus plotted his revenge on Ellesime. It must have taken considerable years to build his lair under Athkatla, as well as capturing so many Shadow Thieves. I think I recall there being a date when Ellesime cast Irenicus & Bodhi out but I can't remember when it was.
What year (Dale Reckoning) did this happen?
What year (Dale Reckoning) did this happen?
Capturing Shadow Thieves is as simple as "Teleport, Hold Person, Teleport" or Charm or Dominate or, or.
I would say that it took him a few weeks or months tops to make it all if he was serious about it.
When you enter Bodhi's lair there are no shadow thieves to be seen, so she was probably capturing them for Irenicus. He needed them even at spellhold.
Keep in mind, having your life expectancy suddenly reduced to a 1/10th of what it was previously is a PRETTY traumatic event. Also keep mind, that they were cut off from the Revery, and suddenly feel the world through a clogged and dirty filter, so it's pretty expected they'd jump the gun and grossly over-react.
Do you remember that you're basically on a countdown before you die after losing your soul?
I doubt that one could survive without a soul for so long.
Plus he's an epic mage with really high intelligence. He had no reason to waste time and he could think of solutions much faster than other people.
Not even he could know how much you could survive without a soul so why waste time and not act immediately?
It's also implied that the creatures in his glass tubes have been there for a very long time, long enough to go completely mad - but it's also possible that some of them were in such a state even before his exile and were simply transported along.
How much time goes by from the end of BGI and the happenings of BG2? Did Irenicus always know about Charname and the other children of Bhaal? Why choose the charname and not the others?
Also, if you decide to visit the spider's lair in BGI, you will meet that fat creature, who claims to have been cursed by Irenicus himself. I'm guessing then, that Irenicus is already hard at work as the charname is hacking himself through the Swordcoast.
As far as why the protagonist, it's probably due to the success they've had, meaning they gain recognition and are seen as the most powerful of the Bhaalspawn, with the rest in hiding building their armies.
Learns of Sarevok and comes to observe, shacking up with a noblewoman in BG that Bodhi vamped.
Centeol starts poking her jealous nose into the mess and thinks she killed Tanvoa in a jealous fit, Irenicus is pissed about the attention it might draw and turns her into whatever the hell that was to keep her out of way. Stuff comes up and he heads back down Amn, leaving Bodhi's crew to keep an eye out to see who proved the stronger bhaalspawn. A chance comes and they set up an ambush after you leave Baldur's Gate for whatever reason (possibly to go meet with the harpers to see what they know of what all this bhaalspawn stuff is about), and then Irenicus shows up to disable the party with magic fog and teleport everyone back down to his lair. Minsc and Dynaheir get wind something happened and start trying to locate the party and end up getting captured as well when Irenicus or one of Bodhi's underlings learns of their snooping.