Door to house outside Friendly Arm Inn doesn't swing open

You can "open" it and go inside, but it graphically does not open.
If I load the saved game into the non-beta client, it appears as open. This is the expected behavior.
If I load the saved game into the non-beta client, it appears as open. This is the expected behavior.
I can't find a post of the sequence to reproduce this bug, so I'll add it here for completeness:
1. Start a new game using Abdel
2. C:MoveToArea("AR2300")
3. C:ExploreArea()
4. Move directly South to the Southern edge of the map (to avoid monsters)
5. Move North-East to the Friendly Arm gate entrance
6. Move North to the outside of the second door (x=1466, y=2060)
7. Rest twice
8. Click the door to open it
9. Notice that the door still appears (graphically) to be shut but can be walked through