Keyboard zoom in, zoom out by PgUP, PgDn

Keyboard zoom in, zoom out by PgUP, PgDn is really needed. It's very uncomfortable for old-school players to view microscopic characters. It's a big strain to my eyes. Mouse wheel is not enough - some people don't have a wheel, some have broken wheel, so keyboard is a must.
PC players shouldn't suffer for the cause of iPad-owner's enjoyment.
PC players shouldn't suffer for the cause of iPad-owner's enjoyment.
button with question mark (?) and dash(-) - next to right shift - for zooming out and
button with dash(-) and percentile(%) - next to a zero button - for zooming in
I agree that PgUp and PgDn buttons would be greatly convenient, since my mousewheel isn't working and current buttons are just super-confusing.
I found out that standard +/- buttons (located to the right from 0(zero), to the left from backspace) work perfectly. I guess this solution is better than PgUp/PgDn.
Plus it's, at least for a right-handed person, close to the mouse.
Is iPad version much better in terms of quality?
You can read my bugreports on this forum.
No offense meant, just seems a little bit ridiculous that you would criticize the game before you even played it.
I feel like I'm necroposting but I want it to be clear that you have control over the hotkey settings.
Finally i can play it. Yay!