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Keyboard zoom in, zoom out by PgUP, PgDn

ArchmageArchmage Member Posts: 32
Keyboard zoom in, zoom out by PgUP, PgDn is really needed. It's very uncomfortable for old-school players to view microscopic characters. It's a big strain to my eyes. Mouse wheel is not enough - some people don't have a wheel, some have broken wheel, so keyboard is a must.
PC players shouldn't suffer for the cause of iPad-owner's enjoyment.


  • PeccaPecca Member Posts: 2,228
    Current keyboard commands are:
    button with question mark (?) and dash(-) - next to right shift - for zooming out and
    button with dash(-) and percentile(%) - next to a zero button - for zooming in

    I agree that PgUp and PgDn buttons would be greatly convenient, since my mousewheel isn't working and current buttons are just super-confusing.
  • ArchmageArchmage Member Posts: 32
    edited October 2013
    Pecca, thanks, but my keyboard has no such keys. I'm using standard 104/105 key keyboard.
    I found out that standard +/- buttons (located to the right from 0(zero), to the left from backspace) work perfectly. I guess this solution is better than PgUp/PgDn.
  • AendaeronBluescaleAendaeronBluescale Member Posts: 335
    edited October 2013
    NUM- and NUM+ are a better and more standardized solution; every PC keyboard and also that of newer laptops have a numpad.
    Plus it's, at least for a right-handed person, close to the mouse.
  • ArchmageArchmage Member Posts: 32

    NUM- and NUM+ are a better and more standardized solution; every PC keyboard and also that of newer laptops have a numpad.
    Plus it's, at least for a right-handed person, close to the mouse.

    Yes, those keys are more obvious. But some people use "tenkeyless" keyboards, with no numpad. Probably that's the reason why it was made like it is now. Those -/_ and +/= keys present everywhere. Fine by me. I just switch to classic settings and keep it that way.
  • meaglothmeagloth Member Posts: 3,806
    Archmage said:

    PC players shouldn't suffer for the cause of iPad-owner's enjoyment.

    Though we prefer that you don't, better you than us.

  • ArchmageArchmage Member Posts: 32
    meagloth said:

    Archmage said:

    PC players shouldn't suffer for the cause of iPad-owner's enjoyment.

    Though we prefer that you don't, better you than us.

    You know what? I bought this game with 75% discount and now i regret it. Game is ridden with bugs and design failures. And i haven't even began playing it! Just launched it. Very disappointed. Bought this game only because Trent Oster promised to release Linux version.
    Is iPad version much better in terms of quality?
  • LuigirulesLuigirules Member Posts: 419
    How do you know it's ridden with bugs and design failures if you haven't played it?
  • ArchmageArchmage Member Posts: 32

    How do you know it's ridden with bugs and design failures if you haven't played it?

    I launched it and immediately found lots of them. Decided not to play.
    You can read my bugreports on this forum.
  • agrisagris Member Posts: 581
    edited October 2013
    Archmage said:

    Keyboard zoom in, zoom out by PgUP, PgDn is really needed. It's very uncomfortable for old-school players to view microscopic characters. It's a big strain to my eyes. Mouse wheel is not enough - some people don't have a wheel, some have broken wheel, so keyboard is a must.
    PC players shouldn't suffer for the cause of iPad-owner's enjoyment.

    Whoa whoa whoa.. Pg-up and Pg-dn are the original key to expand/contract the chat log. They just re-implemented them, don't take them away again!

  • meaglothmeagloth Member Posts: 3,806
    edited October 2013
    @archmage go play the game, THEN come whine about it. It's fine if you complain, but not if you haven't actually played the game. It's really not that bad, and you still haven't named a specific bug.
    No offense meant, just seems a little bit ridiculous that you would criticize the game before you even played it.
  • ArchmageArchmage Member Posts: 32
    meagloth said:

    @archmage go play the game, THEN come whine about it. It's fine if you complain, but not if you haven't actually played the game. It's really not that bad, and you still haven't named a specific bug.
    No offense meant, just seems a little bit ridiculous that you would criticize the game before you even played it.

    You are blind or what? Read my bugreports.
  • CorianderCoriander Member Posts: 1,667
    You can actually change the zoom and character selection keys. Options -> Gameplay -> Assign Keys -> Quick Slots -> I think you have to scroll to the very bottom.

    I feel like I'm necroposting but I want it to be clear that you have control over the hotkey settings.
  • ArchmageArchmage Member Posts: 32
    Coriander said:

    You can actually change the zoom and character selection keys. Options -> Gameplay -> Assign Keys -> Quick Slots -> I think you have to scroll to the very bottom.

    I feel like I'm necroposting but I want it to be clear that you have control over the hotkey settings.

    Thanks! Sounds neat. I'll definitely try it.
  • ArchmageArchmage Member Posts: 32

    Hope the new patch does resolve these minor annoyances so you can get your gear on and get out there, brave warrior!

    I re-downloaded the game (since i rage-quited-deleted it), launched it, and was pleasantly surprised - most problems were fixed. Good job, OG! ;)
    Finally i can play it. Yay!
  • ArthasArthas Member Posts: 1,091
    I need to zoom in but I have no mouse wheel. How would I do that?
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