[Game Crash] Demon Knight Fireball Death Video Crash, v1.0.2028

Game crashes when mouse-clicking to skip death video after being killed by Demon Knight's fireball during Durlag's Tower tour. Tested on two computer configurations with the same result.
Game crashes when mouse-clicking to skip death video after being killed by Demon Knight's fireball during Durlag's Tower tour. Tested on two computer configurations with the same result.

If I'm only damaged by the blast, and then later killed by something else, the crash doesn't occur.
I've recreated this crash several times now, and for some reason it does not occur if the rest of my party stands very far away from the blast. In this case I've had them standing in the southern end of the Dragon Skeleton Room on the 3rd level of Durlag's Dungeon, while my main character goes to die in the Fireball Room alone. Then the game does not crash.
If you like I could test this with the rest of the party standing about in other corners of the dungeon.
Is anyone seeing this with a new game?
But with his save I do get the crash.