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Black Saturation Problems

MarekkMarekk Member Posts: 13
I've started noticing some issues with saturation in the beta that are pretty annoying. Sorry if this has been talked about before.

If you click "Baldur's Gate" in the main menu, you see the movie with the Nietzsche quote. In the pre-beta, you cannot tell the difference between the edge of the movie and the border (both are black). If you do this in the beta, the "black" background of the movie is clearly different from the black border. The movie background is more grey. (I couldn't take screenshots of these so I just took a picture of my monitor)

Beta image

It's not as glaring obvious during gameplay, but you can still see the edge of where areas end and the black border begins. This is especially annoying in small areas with lots of black border (such as many interiors and all of the black pits).

Normal (Crop)
Beta (Crop + Arrows pointing out where the difference in black values is)image


  • MarekkMarekk Member Posts: 13
    Also, I just did some pixel measurements of the black border during gameplay (from the black pits example). It seems that in pre-beta the black border actually has a pixel value of 2, which matches the black in the area maps. However, in the beta, the black border is true black with a pixel value of 0, which makes it stand out from the area maps which don't use true black apparently.

    This is an easy fix, simply change the pixel value of the border to match the black in the area maps.
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