The (presumably) light and dark sides of CHARNAME; the mortal, fighting against the taint of Bhaal. This doesn't work well for evil CHARNAMEs, though, but I believe that to be its meaning.
Bright one looks a lot like Ellesime to me too. Shadowy one I can't say, but I guess it would make sense for it to be Irenicus. The hollow shadow of an elf he had become or something.
Likewise, the meaning of the sun and moon motif is anything beyond the usual "contrast good/evil day/night light/shadow stuff, then it certainly eludes me. Definitely looks pretty though. One of the best icon/logos/covers in video game history I'd say (and I'm not normally one to heap loads of praise on the BG games - I save that for PS:T ).
but I never gave it much thought looks good tho
Likewise, the meaning of the sun and moon motif is anything beyond the usual "contrast good/evil day/night light/shadow stuff, then it certainly eludes me. Definitely looks pretty though. One of the best icon/logos/covers in video game history I'd say (and I'm not normally one to heap loads of praise on the BG games - I save that for PS:T