Beta.. Is it BG2EE ?

I simply cannot understand whats all the fuzz is about.. Is the beta regarding BG2EE or just mere a patch for BG1EE ??
Btw.. Please give us who bought the game on steam some privileges also.
Btw.. Please give us who bought the game on steam some privileges also.
Beamdog has no say or control over what is done with the Steam version. At best all you can hope is that Steam will also apply the patch when it's released without any delays.
Also, Steam players are unable to access the beta for the patch because they didn't purchase Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition through the Beamdog store. The Steam version is maintained by Atari, and as a result does not receive the same attention.
And besides.. I doubt it will take seveal days before a certain patch gets applied for steam contra beamdog.