[bug] game crashes when adding map notes

@Dee Excuse me if this is already known, but I didn't see it in the known issues thread or from scanning post topics.
Adding and attempting to scroll a multi-line map note should not crash the game
1. Start a new game (tested both tutorial, and a random saved game)
2. Open the map (tested world map and local)
3. Add a new map note. For the description, hit enter so that it is multiple lines. Note that a small scroll bar now appears to the right.
4. Attempt to interact with that scroll bar, and the game crashes.
I can provide crash dumps, but I'm pretty sure this is a standard memory exception / pointer out of bounds error and will be 100% reproducible.
Adding and attempting to scroll a multi-line map note should not crash the game
1. Start a new game (tested both tutorial, and a random saved game)
2. Open the map (tested world map and local)
3. Add a new map note. For the description, hit enter so that it is multiple lines. Note that a small scroll bar now appears to the right.
4. Attempt to interact with that scroll bar, and the game crashes.
I can provide crash dumps, but I'm pretty sure this is a standard memory exception / pointer out of bounds error and will be 100% reproducible.
Also, the scroll bar appears when just clicking in the new map note text field, not having typed anything. All you have to do is click ON the scroll bar (not the arrows) to crash the game.