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I'm having a hard time starting up in Baldur's gate

So yeah, I'm having problems creating a character in Baldur's Gate. I really don't know what to play... I Kind of want to play druid, but I've heard that Cleric is better, but I really don't know. :(


  • LifatLifat Member Posts: 353
    I agree with the others. On this forum you will see a lot of powergaming because the game has been out for so long that the original fans are taking it to the extreme to have fun.

    There aren't any characters that can't make it through the game on normal difficulty, especially if you take support characters with you (the party). This game really has a very heavy focus on the story and I recommend enjoying that aspect to its fullest.

    Experimenting is part of the fun of this game and playing a druid will give you an exclusive place in Baldurs Gate 2 (Haven't played druid in bg1 so I don't know if there are any special stuff for a druid in that game).
  • SwordfishtromboneSwordfishtrombone Member Posts: 27
    A druid may not be the most powerful class in the game, but it's no weakling either. On levels that you reach in BG2, druids get one spell that's an absolute mage-killer (if I remember correctly, it's called "creeping doom"). This alone makes a druid a very handy thing to have in a party.

    I'd recommend going with a totemic druid - the spirit animal that they can summon can be a good help far into BG2.
  • meaglothmeagloth Member Posts: 3,806
    Avenger is one of the best kits in the game. If you want to be a Druid I would go for that.
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,007
    edited October 2013
    Lifat said:

    There aren't any characters that can't make it through the game on normal difficulty, especially if you take support characters with you (the party). This game really has a very heavy focus on the story and I recommend enjoying that aspect to its fullest.


    this is 100 % true, and even on insane difficulty this quote applies as well

  • RemenissionsRemenissions Member Posts: 102
    Ah, to experience a first-playthough again... 13 years ago was a longggg time...
  • ZaltakZaltak Member Posts: 3
    Druid's are kewl because they eventually get the dreaded Creeping Doom spell! i.e. wizardbane:-)
  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155
    But nothin' (is worst than a cheatin' kobold) can be deadlier for Mages than a Fighter/Mage or a Thief/Mage, unless, well, unless we are talking 'bout BG2, there mages, RULE! Time Stop + Improved Alacrity, no one can get before you, like F/T with Whirlwind Attack + Assassination.
  • Time4TiddyTime4Tiddy Member Posts: 262
    I love the druid class, especially in the EE with the upgraded druid spell list. They were definitely the poor man's cleric in vanilla, but now they are very useful with insect swarms (to disrupt casters) and the ability to summon an extremely powerful nymph who can cast charm, hold, and heal spells. Because druids level up faster than clerics, you'll have more hp earlier in the game, and access to higher level spells sooner.

    IMO the avenger is the most fun kit, for the unique shape changes and extra spells, but the other two kits are fun as well, yes, even the shapeshifter/werewolf.
  • RyshardRyshard Member Posts: 51
    Hi Mate,

    When I originally played this game years ago (I actually played the 2nd one first and then went back and played them both through). I must have spent hours and hours remaking characters and then restarting into I found a character I was happy with.

    Don't worry most people are the same until they settle for one they like. I now know I love thieves and Druids and I play those classes through most RPGs I play.

  • RyshardRyshard Member Posts: 51
    I currently play shapeshifter Druid btw, have a look at my other thread here if you are interested:

  • AigleborgneAigleborgne Member Posts: 24
    edited November 2013
    Play what you want, druids are not underpowered.
    In BG1, if you don't use tweak mods, druid will level higher than any other class. Which means you will get access to level 5 spells and even maybe to level 6 spells.
    Plus, some kits like totemic are almost overpowered in BG1 without any tweak mods. Even shapeshifter is quite strong.

    So no, druids are not underpowered at all...
    The main problem with druids is their spell restrictions at some levels. For example, level 2 only have bad spells but level 4 with call woodlands... :)

    All in all, I would strongly recommend a spell mod like Spell Revisions, which will balance almost every spells. As for kits, it's almost mandatory to balance summons because totemic summons are level 7-8, immune to normal weapons and with nice abilities. You should look at gibberlings or spellhold studios communities.

    Personally, I would rather play a druid than a cleric, although you will still need a cleric in your party because they have better spells when it comes to protection and healing.
  • randyroorandyroo Member Posts: 54
    edited November 2013
    you could dual a ranger to a cleric and then get cleric and druid spells. or go multiclass but you will level slower.
  • AigleborgneAigleborgne Member Posts: 24
    randyroo said:

    you could dual a ranger to a cleric and then get cleric and druid spells. or go multiclass but you will level slower.

    Ranger/cleric dual classed is a bit cheated to my taste. I have played it and it is almost overpowered at high levels :)
    But most dual classed are, it is powergaming in most cases. Multi-class is more balanced while still powerful.
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