[Performance] Pathfinding is inefficient to CPU resources.

If several NPCs or player characters have to find a large way around obstacles, the FPS falls, making the game stuttering.
Best example: Firewine bridge; walk over the bridge to the eastern border of the bridge, hoping to encounter enemies below the bridge. Then watch the stutter unfolding as both PCs and NPCs try to figure out a large way around half the area map.
Suggestion: Outsource pathfinding to a separate thread.
Best example: Firewine bridge; walk over the bridge to the eastern border of the bridge, hoping to encounter enemies below the bridge. Then watch the stutter unfolding as both PCs and NPCs try to figure out a large way around half the area map.
Suggestion: Outsource pathfinding to a separate thread.
It seems to me they have more severe performance problems, which could be caused by anything, from algorithmic issues to cache misses.