[bug] hidden interface bar 'tops' don't appear on loading v1.2014 save games [1.0.2028]

Sorry for the awkward title, I don't know how to describe this succinctly. When loading a save game from 1.2014 that includes the left or right interface bar hidden, the 'top' of the bar doesn't appear. This makes a player have to know the keyboard shortcut to bring the bar back. Worse, on a tablet, I don't know if they could bring it back.

This is only on the initial load of a pre-beta 1.2014 saved game. If you load the same game again (not having closed BGEE), the top part appears as it should. This bug repeats itself whenever you launch BGEE beta and load a 1.2014 game including a hidden interface bar

Incidentally, the bugged view that shows no clock and no 'restore' button is much preferable, IMO. Could we get an ini option to enable this 'clean' style of hiding the interface bars? It shouldn't be the default, but does lend itself to the cleaned up UI presentation.

This is only on the initial load of a pre-beta 1.2014 saved game. If you load the same game again (not having closed BGEE), the top part appears as it should. This bug repeats itself whenever you launch BGEE beta and load a 1.2014 game including a hidden interface bar

Incidentally, the bugged view that shows no clock and no 'restore' button is much preferable, IMO. Could we get an ini option to enable this 'clean' style of hiding the interface bars? It shouldn't be the default, but does lend itself to the cleaned up UI presentation.