2nd level druid spells

I'm running through BG1 now with Jah, and I never know what to take for 2nd level spells.
1) Barkskin - Useless, especially at low levels. She always has armor that's better than the spell.
2) Charm Person - It has a save with a bonus, so it's often just going to be a waste of a round.
3) Find Traps - I have a thief for that.
4) Flame Blade - Not much better than any of her current weapons, and she's using Staves/Spears anyway so no proficiency.
5) Goodberry - Not the worst thing in the world if you cast and stock up while healing up between quests/chapters, but it's terrible for a "carrying around" spell.
6) Know Alignment - Like, seriously.
7) Resist Fire/Cold - Definitely, once my Cav gets a ring of fire resistance, so I can send him into the fray and spam fireballs. But, until then?
8) Slow Poison - My Cav is poison immune, gets two castings, and Dynaheir has one as an innate ability. Plus, there's plenty of antidotes around.
Nothing really stands out for me. Any thoughts?
1) Barkskin - Useless, especially at low levels. She always has armor that's better than the spell.
2) Charm Person - It has a save with a bonus, so it's often just going to be a waste of a round.
3) Find Traps - I have a thief for that.
4) Flame Blade - Not much better than any of her current weapons, and she's using Staves/Spears anyway so no proficiency.
5) Goodberry - Not the worst thing in the world if you cast and stock up while healing up between quests/chapters, but it's terrible for a "carrying around" spell.
6) Know Alignment - Like, seriously.
7) Resist Fire/Cold - Definitely, once my Cav gets a ring of fire resistance, so I can send him into the fray and spam fireballs. But, until then?
8) Slow Poison - My Cav is poison immune, gets two castings, and Dynaheir has one as an innate ability. Plus, there's plenty of antidotes around.
Nothing really stands out for me. Any thoughts?
I agree other spells are rather lackluster. You can barkskin a kensai or mage character but its duration is pitiful. Flame blade is only helpful when you fight trolls and have no other fire/acid source available. Good berries are useful that you can have other characters gulp them while a thief scouts/detects traps/opens locks etc.
Charm Person and or Mammal can be useful. It lasts a full turn, which is twice as long as Dire Charm and Charm Person (level 1 mage spell). I would say its more useful outside of combat than in it but there are cases where you can use it effectively in combat. A casting time of 5 sounds long but it really isn't. It depends of course on how you are equipping Jaheira but it is a spell you can use to take over an enemy fighter or cleric. Against a level 8 fighter it has basically a 50/50 shot of working (without doom).
Slow poison is good to have as a just in case spell. Sure you can have antidotes but I don't think it hurts to have them on hand.
Flame Blade really has no use for Jaheira or Faldorn. Its not as bad as Shillelagh though but thats about the only thing it has going for it (beyond its ability to kill trolls which really isn't all that useful in BG1).
iwdfication mod adds few not bad druid spells to bg
sadly no great shapeshifting
It's also handy if you happen to have a kensai in the party, or you can skip learning armor spells on your mages and just barkskin them before a battle free up slots for more debuffs.