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Dhurlogs Tower quick question...

what level should you be before going there and what about the other levels should you be for that expansion?


  • zur312zur312 Member Posts: 1,366
    edited October 2013

    bg1 exp limit was 89k
    89k is
    7lvl fighter
    8lvl mage
    8lvl thief
    8lvl druid

    i was pobably wrong in somethng but most shoulkd be ok
  • MadhaxMadhax Member Posts: 1,416
    Zur's right, level 7 is a solid point to head to the Tower. Same for the rest of the expansion, it's all on roughly the same difficulty level.

    The main requirement for the Tower, though, is your ability to find and disarm traps. As long as you can reach ~90 Find/Disarm, you can go earlier for more of a combat challenge. There are tons of traps in that place, and not being able to handle them is a frustrating and impassible obstacle for a low-level party. The combat should be managable, if difficult, at a lower level; You'll be getting powerful loot, including plenty of wands, potions, and scrolls to make up for lack of experience points.
  • zur312zur312 Member Posts: 1,366
    my post was only max exp vs max level i don't know what is the optimal level because it varies from player's experience in the game and other meta-things
  • KnellerKneller Member Posts: 438
    If you can get in the door past the doom knights without needing massive healing, that's a good sign that you're ready. :)
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