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Shadowkeeper, Imoen, and wild mages.

What I'm trying to do is dual class Imoen into a wild mage. If I go into shadowkeeper after I dual to mage and give her a kit, it does do the varied caster level when she casts, but her spell memorization per level is not that of a specialist (she's one spell short). I tried waiting to level to see if that's what it took to kick in, but that didn't work. Then I tried to zero out her mage class level, but keep her xp the same (forcing a level and spell progression adjustment), but that didn't work either. I could have sworn I've done this before. Is there something I'm missing? Thanks.


  • DragonRiderDragonRider Member Posts: 43
    In the original BG2, it was not possible to dual-class a character into a kit due to a limitation with the engine or code. I wasted many hours messing with this. I had a dual-classed Cleric/Conjurer that I was importing into BG2 from BG1 that got changed to a Cleric/Mage. I had the option to choose a Cleric Kit, but I could not choose to be a Conjurer. I later read that the way kits were implemented only allows for a characters starting class to have a kit.

    No matter how much I messed with ShadowKeeper, I couldn't change that character into the Cleric/Conjurer I played in BG1. The game always reverted it back to Cleric/Mage. The best I could do was simulate the Conjurer specialization by not scribing or using Divination spells and by adding an extra spell slot per level through ShadowKeeper.

    I haven't actually tried to dual class into a kit or use EEKeeper to make a character's second class a kit, but I would image the same limitation applies. That being said, you may be able to simulate the Wild Mage kit by doing the following:

    1) Dual class Imoen to a mage and save.
    2) Create a new Wild Mage character and start the game and save.
    3) In EEKeeper, open the save you made in step 1 and either the character file or the save game from step 2
    4) Select Imoen (on the step 1 save) and compare what's listing in the Memorization tab for her to what's listed in the Memorization tab for the new Wild Mage. Change the value in Imoen's Max Can Memorize column to match the value listed for the Wild Mage.
    5) In Imoen's save, select the Wizard tab and manually add the 3 Wild Mage only spells (Nahal's Reckless Dweomer, Chaos Shield, Improved Chaos Shield).
    6) Compare the Affects tab between the two saves and add to Imoen all of the Affects listed for the new Wild Mage that she does not already have.

    I recommend keeping the save with the Wild Mage. Every time Imoen gains a level, use the console or EEKeeper to level up the Wild Mage. Since the game probably won't recognize Imoen as a Wild Mage, you will most likely have to repeat steps 4 and 6 each time Imoen levels up.

    I hope that works for you. I don't know much about modding or the Infinity engine, so this is the best I could come up with. Someone smarter that I am at both might be able to provide you with a better way to do this.

  • KnellerKneller Member Posts: 438
    You're right, it's a limitation of the engine. I came really close to getting it, though. I zeroed out her level after dualing and rising a couple levels, added the kit, and then added an affect that would give her an extra spell per level. However, when she put on the ring of wizardry, it didn't double the extra spell.

    So, I'm going to try another approach, but I'm not sure which.

    1) SK her into a single-classed mage and kit her to a wild mage. I'd still need a thief, so I'm thinking I'd make my character a half-elf cleric/thief and SK him a kit to make it interesting. Or, go for some other interesting thief combo.

    2) Leave her as is and make my character a half-elf cleric/wild mage (once again, using SK). That's two mages in the party, though, which is probably more than I need.
  • XavioriaXavioria Member Posts: 875
    @Kneller do you know what the name of the affect was that gave her the extra spell? Like what was the file name or anything?
  • KnellerKneller Member Posts: 438
    Here you go:

    Type: (0x0000002A for mage, 0x0000003E for cleric)
    Param 1: (Number of extra spells)
    Param 2: **(Spellbook level to edit)
    Flags: 0x00000009
    Time: 0
    Probability: 100
    Target: 0x00000002
    Leave resources blank

    ** NOte: For parameter 2, the spell levels are determined as follows:
    Level 1: 1
    Level 2: 2
    Level 3: 4
    Level 4: 8
    Level 5: 16
    Level 6: 32
    Level 7: 64
    Level 8: 128
    Level 9: 256

    ALL spell levels affected CLERIC: 127
    ALL spell levels affected MAGE: 511
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