Maximum damage per hit chalenge
No backstabs, damage to living, neutural humanoids only please)
Categories as follows
Max Normal and Critical
Black Pits
Please note that in the first two not all potions are available)
Think, Test, Have Fun!
Cause I know I am)
Categories as follows
Max Normal and Critical
Black Pits
Please note that in the first two not all potions are available)
Think, Test, Have Fun!
Cause I know I am)
Staff of the Ram does 18 max damage
Grandmastery adds 5 damage
25 strength (quite doable with DUHM) adds 14 damage
Chant adds 1 damage
Kensai level 12 (for a 13 dual) adds 4 damage OR Berserker rage + Gauntlets of Extraordinary Specialisation adds 4 damage
I would conjecture that maximum non-crit, non-backstab 1-hit damage on a non-party member is about 42. Which seems oddly low. However, using righteous magic they can do this amount of damage with every hit.
There are other external factors like enhanced bardsong (+4 damage) which could push this higher, but I was only counting personal buffs. I do not expect to be right about this, and someone will doubtless be able to point out other ways to do it. You might well be able to exploit things like the Equaliser's damage bonuses applying to the mainhand to get obscene amounts of damage to specific targets.
Also attack a character holding a ranged weapon, that's another 4 damage.
EDIT: Just remembered that if you Shapechange into an Iron Golem, your fists do 4d10 base damage and I'm pretty sure that's the highest damage 'weapon' in the game.
29 max damage
+ 6 Equalizer bonus
+14 from strength 25
+5 grand mastery (if that's the correct value)
+1 Chant
+2 Gauntlets of Extraordinary Specialisation
= 57 damage before class bonuses
The fists of an iron golem have the highest damage, but they're not associated with any weapon proficiency.
BBOD is the highest maximum damage "weapon" (29) but requires you to be a mage. Assuming you don't cast it off a scroll, you'd need to be at least lvl 18, meaning you could be Kensai 28->Mage 18 (8m XP exactly), earning you another +9 from Kensai kit bonus damage and +5 from Grandmastery. Dual however means you can't be a Half-Orc, so only 24 STR (+12 damage). Equalizer in off-hand does nothing, as the OP's testing conditions specify a neutral target. Gauntlets of Extraordinary Specialization add another +2.
So we get:
29 (BBOD max dmg)
+ 9 (Kensai)
+ 5 (GM)
+12 (24 STR)
+ 2 (Gauntlets
= 57 damage
The alternative using a real weapon would be FoA+5 or SotR+6, both of which have 22 maximum damage. You don't need to be a mage for those, so you can snatch up an extra +4 Kensai damage and +2 STR bonus damage (from being Half-Orc) putting you only a single point behind.
To all that you can add external buffs al gusto. Potions etc are a given, and I believe the aforementioned Song-stacking with Mislead is the highest party-buff bonus you can achieve. Feel free to calculate those bonuses yourselves. I believe some priest spells also add damage, but I think it's not enough to justify a priest in the party over another bard.
What about lower levels? so far my Berserker with 2handed sword leads with 32 (str 24 + gau 2) in BGEE but Black Pits dont have Cloud G potion so Barbarian with might out do him
Berserker with GM in staffs.
15 - max base damage from Staff of Striking
+14 - 25 str through potions and DUHM from Bhaalspawn abilities (I assume they stack?)
+5 - GM
+2 - rage
+2 - gauntlets
+1 - Chant
+2 - Skald song
+4 - target wields a ranged weapon
That would come to 45
EDIT: Berserkers can't get GM on their own in BG1 can they, it would have to be a Berserker / thief dual.
As for thieves/UAI, I don't believe there is an item outside of the Gauntlets, but even if there was it would have to be a considerable amount of damage to offset the loss of Kensai bonuses. Does not sound likely.
In BG2 & TOB the focus shifts dramatically to "can I hit it at all?". With the levels of spell and inherent resistance to weapons of less than a certain enchantment level it becomes about pre-planning how you're going to hit the target not how hard or how often. Enemies you can actually just hit repeatedly are usually fodder.
This thread is about a simple, pointless and utterly academic point: how hard can you hit someone if you really put some thought into it!
There is no theoretical maximum limit on this; for any value of damage y anyone else calculates in this thread, it is possible to give a number n for which 0.3 x n > y. Therefore I want my prize.
name the highest hp creature in the game and do the math for your damage
i think some dragons have like 250 adalon?