[bug] Infinite Cursed Scrolls of Foolishness

I have been a long time viewer in the forums, but this is my first post. I have played through the game a countless number of times, and as a whole, any bugs I find are mentioned before I have a chance to post.
I spoke to Fahrington in the Spider Wood. He asked me to obtain a scroll from an ettercap for him. After obtaining the scroll, I returned to him for the xp. He, of course, lets you keep the scroll, which we all know is a Cursed Scroll of Foolishness. I still had a day to burn to obtain my Ankheg Plate Mail, so I traveled to High Hedge to dump a few magical items. I sold the unidentified cursed scroll to Thalantyr for 1GP, but when I looked at what he had to sell, the same unidentified scroll was being offered as a stack of 50 for 1GP. Out of curiosity, I purchased the stack and gave each person in my party one of the scrolls. I then sold each of them back to him, which each turned into a stack of 50 more, leaving him with 6 stacks of 50 cursed scrolls that he was willing to sell.
I know this is minor, and nothing bad can really come about from it, but I figured as long as you're trying to polish it as much as possible, I might as well point out the minor bug that I found.
I spoke to Fahrington in the Spider Wood. He asked me to obtain a scroll from an ettercap for him. After obtaining the scroll, I returned to him for the xp. He, of course, lets you keep the scroll, which we all know is a Cursed Scroll of Foolishness. I still had a day to burn to obtain my Ankheg Plate Mail, so I traveled to High Hedge to dump a few magical items. I sold the unidentified cursed scroll to Thalantyr for 1GP, but when I looked at what he had to sell, the same unidentified scroll was being offered as a stack of 50 for 1GP. Out of curiosity, I purchased the stack and gave each person in my party one of the scrolls. I then sold each of them back to him, which each turned into a stack of 50 more, leaving him with 6 stacks of 50 cursed scrolls that he was willing to sell.
I know this is minor, and nothing bad can really come about from it, but I figured as long as you're trying to polish it as much as possible, I might as well point out the minor bug that I found.
It would be a lot more money if the scrolls you get back are non-cursed Protection against Magic or something similar. Getting 50 of those = a lot of money
I agree, but I'm not even home at the moment. I'm away for work. I won't be home again until the 3rd of November.
Has anyone else had this happen to them? Has anyone else tried it with a different scroll?